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The Off Topic Thread.


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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Old Ken the grey headed Poo Shooter.


Don't go giving me the sh*ts now Scotty ... :lol:

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Where have all the posts gone relating to freedom of speech?????

I see most of us have donated to keep this site going, now we are gagged!

Why pick out K@N, does one of the mods have an interest in the company?

Are they going to ban all posts that hang sh*t on all products ? :nuts2:

Seems a bit funny to me

If you dont see me back you know I have been BANNED

Dont think you will last to long either Vic :thumbsup:

rapt :3gears:

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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C'mon guys, can't we just play nice together? ;)

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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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Actually the guy who invented the toilet was not Thomas Crapper (1836 - 1910). He had patents for the improvement of the water closet, drains and manhole covers. But his company 'Thos Crapper' manufactured porcelain water closets and a variety of plumbing devices.

Hope this clears up some of the cr@p about this sh!t subject :lol:

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  • My new toy
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C'mon guys, can't we just play nice together? ;)

It's all your fault kenny.

And no we can not play nice.

Ian :thumbsup:

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  • What's happening?
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Why pick out K@N, does one of the mods have an interest in the company?

Are they going to ban all posts that hang sh*t on all products ? :o

Seems a bit funny to me

If you dont see me back you know I have been BANNED

Dont think you will last to long either Vic :3gears:

rapt :nuts2:

Had nothing to do with the product mate, and everything to do with what became personal attacks between members.

Leave it at that. No need to issue warnings, but sometimes you need to understand that the mods of this site are doing this to the best of their ability, on a volunteer basis.

There are rules for the site. These include:

Swearing and/or obscene/offensive language - 2 points

Disrespect towards other Members intentionally- 2 Points

Flaming - 5 points

Disrespect Towards FordXR6Turbo.com Moderators - 10 points

So as far as I can see, lots of these have been broken, and AFAIK no one has actually officially warned. So if you guys want to keep complaining about some posts being deleted, tell someone who cares :thumbsup:

How about we all move along to whats happening this week?

Be cool guys.

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Edit: Sorry Trumpy, we've posted at the same time.

Where have all the posts gone relating to freedom of speech?????

I see most of us have donated to keep this site going, now we are gagged!

Why pick out K@N, does one of the mods have an interest in the company?

Are they going to ban all posts that hang sh*t on all products ? :nuts2:

Seems a bit funny to me

If you dont see me back you know I have been BANNED

Dont think you will last to long either Vic :thumbsup:

rapt :3gears:

That thread wasn't banned because of the posts about the K & N filter. It was banned because of all the light hearted comments that were made between Glenn, myself and a few others regarding subjects that had nothing to do with the filter, we all were giving it as good as we were getting it and some members took offence to the comments we made.

I understand and accept why it was banned. I've talked to Glenn about it and as far as we're aware everyone involved realised it was all for sh!ts and giggles and that's all that I was concerned about.

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