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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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  • Member For: 21y 10m 26d
  • Location: Dodge Scat Pack
Hey Plonky, what blood group are ya? I have been waiting for a kidney transplant since April 03. Actually, I had one in 96 but that failed last year.

Where can I meet you to get tissue typing done?

On a serious note, well done on the effort of joining the organ donor list...spread the word, and remember to tell your next of kin your intentions...


I have been an organ donor for yonks, but after my acco I actually registered with the Australian Organ Donor Register (hic.gov.au) because I did hear that the endorsement (donar A) on your license can be overturned by your family.

That's why I got it tattooed on my arm - that way No one can mistake my intention, the paramdeics/doctors can find out straight away so my organs can be taken with NO stuffing around.

I'm O Negative - very ordinary - I don't know whether that helps you or not but your welcome to contact me via PM.



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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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  • Location: Dodge Scat Pack
Confucius say -

Man with one watch know time, man with two watches confused.

What does that make Plonky then?

It makes me a WIS

A Watch Idiot Savant

I've actually reduced my collection by giving ome watches away as gifts.

I'm now off my Rolex Submariner "'One Watch Nirvana" because I don't think the Sub would be my O.W.N

I'm now a confirmed Omega Phile !

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I think its only those crackpot hollyrollers that wont give an inch,or a kidney.you can have my stuff any time;would llike to donate my organs for use;the only clause would be,priests get my liver so they got some explaining to do


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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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I once thought that donating organs was not a good idea. I had heard they will not try to save you if you are on life support.

I have now changed my view on this as my wife has always been a donor and I figure I would not want to live being some vege having a machine breath and pump my blood. :finger:

I have now made my intentions very clear to my wife and family that I have changed my views on this subject. I think the David Hooks thiung also made me reinforce my decision. Good onya plonky for making it a off topic item on this off topic thread :blush:

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