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Fg 1/4 Mile Estimations


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Yeah I think the turbo model cars will blow the pants of the 8's which is fantastic but in a sense sad. Ford and FPV have to pull of sub 14's 1/4 with there 8's to compete with Expensive Daewoo and HSV. But as I said I doubt the xr8 will get in the 13's and I recon the GT will sruggle to get a 13.5.

I personally like holdens and Fords, but I want an XR6T so that's why im going for the Ford. But if I was in the market for and 8, I would go holden. VE SS pulls a mid 13 stock. Faster than the new GT will pull I recon.

Alothough the BOSS sounds great.

The SS only does mid 13s in fantasy land. Remember that the SS Wheels did that in was also dynoed with as much power as the HSVs, plus there don't seam to be to many real word examples of SS owners doing these times.

Has there been any sub 14s stock runs in a BA/BF XR8 or GT?

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I dont think that's right mate. The recorded and published 0-100 times for the SS reflect easy 13sec passes.

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:roflmbo::roflmbo::roflmbo::roflmbo: Not another comedian who actually beleives the 'Published' times :roflmbo::roflmbo: .

I said not in fantast land. Like I and many others have said before, it has been demonstrated time and time again, on this site and LS1, T and F6 times tend to be quicker than 'Published', while the VE times tend to be slower. I also said mid 13s, not just 13s, which could be a 13.999999.

While we're on the topic of published times, Wheels and Motor, from BA to present day, have 'Published' F6 times from 13.4 to 14.6, T times from 13.8 to 14.7, XR8 times from 13.8 - 14.9 and GT times from 13.6 - 14.8. While all along the Expensive Daewoo times just kept getting quicker, never slower. So which of these 'Published' times are correct?

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Correct they did test at Lang Lang. On 95 ron fuel.

G6ET 0-100 in 5.1 and 0-400 in 13.3.

XT ran 0-100 in 6.8.

That's all I know.

Nice work; I would imagine those times may drop slightly if they were given cars with the engine not quite run in. Anyone here can testify to their cars getter quicker as they loosen up

Should be good for close to 13 flat if that's the case which is getting close to BF F6 times

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:roflmbo::roflmbo::roflmbo::roflmbo: Not another comedian who actually beleives the 'Published' times :roflmbo::roflmbo: .

I said not in fantast land. Like I and many others have said before, it has been demonstrated time and time again, on this site and LS1, T and F6 times tend to be quicker than 'Published', while the VE times tend to be slower. I also said mid 13s, not just 13s, which could be a 13.999999.

While we're on the topic of published times, Wheels and Motor, from BA to present day, have 'Published' F6 times from 13.4 to 14.6, T times from 13.8 to 14.7, XR8 times from 13.8 - 14.9 and GT times from 13.6 - 14.8. While all along the Expensive Daewoo times just kept getting quicker, never slower. So which of these 'Published' times are correct?

I didnt think it was that funny mate :fool: , but what ever floats your boat.

By published, I mean MOTOR magazine. I dont rate manufacturer figures nor do I rate WHEELS figures because they test with 2 people and a full tank of juice.

Motor have done mid 13's from memory in the VE SS but I will check when I get home tonight.

On the BA times achieved by MOTOR, yes their times have varied depending on model and test conditions etc. The quickest BA was the seies 1 T which recorded 5.9 for 0-100. No other BA's got close to it until the Phoon was released.

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:spoton: Oooohhh, you're actually serious. Motor is just as full of sh*t. My entire point is that magazine figures are completely unreliable, inconsistant and completely untrustworthy.

You see, mid 13s in an SS by a magazine is absoloutly no indication of what the car can actually do, and if you take the time to do some real world research, you'll see that there is very little to back those times.

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I've seen a couple of VE's run 13.7 at WSID, few months ago though. The magazines haven't run a 12.9 in a typhoon either, but F6BF did it in his car.

Also, judging by how the VE's go on the street, they are pretty quick - give respect when its due

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I'm not disrespecting the VEs at all, just the Magazine times. I'll rely on real times, not the mags. Were the VEs stock, were they SS or HSV? Also, they were 13.7, not 13.4. And you just confirmed what I have been saying. The Ford 'real world' times are almost always quicker, but its the oposite for the Expensive Daewoo boys.

Credit where credit is due, the latest generation Dunnydores and Falcoons are pretty damn quick (I never actually said one was faster than the other), but this all started when someone started using Magazine figures as Gospel, when my point is that they are less reliable than the NSW state Government.

Edited by Dagabond
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Guide only. For the average punter who doesnt hang out at Calder Park, what else is there to go by when comparing performance of two cars?

Regardless, the new T sounds like it will be quicker than the SS and the GT, while the F6 will probably be quicker again and slap the HSV's too.

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