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New Hoon Laws


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But you didn't answer YPURV4's question, Would you, without question, hand over your keys because a cop claimed you did something that you KNOW you didn't do? And would you be happy to do it while saying "Oh well, easy come, easy go, have fun and have a nice day officer"???

I know for a fact I wouldn't be pleased and would then probably be arrested for whatever charge it is to call a cop everthing under the sun and whatever else I couldn't refrain myself from doing or saying.

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Would you, without question, hand over your keys because a cop claimed you did something that you KNOW you didn't do? And would you be happy to do it while saying "Oh well, easy come, easy go, have fun and have a nice day officer"???

I know for a fact I wouldn't be pleased and would then probably be arrested for whatever charge it is to call a cop everthing under the sun and whatever else I couldn't refrain myself from doing or saying.

No one on the planet would like to be accused of something they did not do. And there are many mechanisims in place at various levels to ensure such wrongs are either not carried out or are at the very least cleared up at a later date. These avenues exist for these very reasons, however we all accept that in a civilised and modern society that police do hold certain powers not afforded to the general public. And we further accept this on the basis that they continue to use there power, such as seizure of vehicles for whatever, in order to effectively protect us all, but it is by far another to complain about it via wildly exgaerated what if's.

The question from you is very easy to answer, in that regardless of what mistake may have been made by the officer, I would be required by the law to hand over the keys and then I would protest it through the courts and the other means that are available to all of us. Why, in your example, turn the officers error into a criminal charge of assault police or resist arrest or worse, in the extreme case, when I can accept the temporary loss of my car. Any error made by the officer does not justify you interfering with his duties. If your given a ticket for running red lights, when you did not, do you then steal his pen so he cant right the ticket??

nearly :surrenderwave:

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The majority of us would not with good conciouss criticise harsh or onerous penalties for rape, home invasion or car jackings,.

Of course we woulndt as they are serious crimes, but spining the wheels of a car... come on mate be realistic, you cant even compare that to those other crimes and you no it.

Now im not talking about drag racing at high speeds( which is fair game you get done pay the price), but about all the other weak crap that comes under this "hoon" label.

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So,say I get my car confiscated, I lose my job as I must have a car, as a result I lose my house, possibly my wife AND the dearest thing in my life my son, all because a cop made an error, What then, go to court, cop says oops, oh well here is your car. What about my job, my house, MY FAMILY????????

The laws are there for our protection, on that we agree, however there is too much power for the cops in these hoon laws, What is to stop a policeman saying I lost traction, impounding my car. Who is the judge most likely to believe, an upholding member of our police force or joe blog from Doonside (noting what sort a name doonside NSW has as an area, NOT GOOD).

What about the following scenario, A car turns a corner in the wet, the back end slides out, driver catches the slide. Police pull said driver over, confiscate the car. All fair right? What about if there was oil on the road the driver did not know about, Or ice, or dried milk (ever hit it in the wet, mega slippery). Unfortunately for the driver he was driving within the limits of the road and conditions BUT hit 'whatever' and has now lost his car. Bad luck says the law. You broke traction. What about if I am trying to get upto speed when turning onto a main road, a little wheelspin, Didn't mean it officer, Too bad, cars gone. I acknowledge that cops do have discretionary views and thoughts and would possibly overlook some of these BUT there are the power hungry, number making cops out there that just don't give a damn.

How do we fix these problems, stuffed if I know, will these laws work, Ditto, I just hope that no-one here or anyone I know gets their car confiscated because of a bullsh!t law. If they did break the law, sucked in!

PS, after the day I have had, I probably would have been arrested, I had a job made 10 times more difficult because of morons, my grandmother died and if a cop tried to take my car I would have lost it.

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Guys laws are passed by politicians and written by lawyers, hence they are designed to be locked down tighter than a fishes whatsit so there are no grey areas and tying up courts time for mounths disputing the definition of a burnout. This is not about cops haveing vendettasd against people who happen to enjoy nice cars, remember we have police on this forum that enjoy and on the odd occasion participate in activities that would see them go to police hell.

I understand the reason Zap posted this, we are over governed and by the letter of the law we can be butt somthing, but it aint the polices fault.


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I am not blaming all cops, nor am I laying the blame for these laws on cops, It is just that these laws are able to be manipulated too easily by a cop who is as I said " power hungry, number making". We all know they exist and we all have met one I am sure.

Again, nothing against the cops, just the ones who act like a 130kg, solid ball of muscle who pumps weights and steroids and who just got a security license.

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What about female cops, from my experience they always have the worst attitude.

I asked one if she can please stop shining the torch in to my eyes, and she said no, I asked why and she replied BECAUSE WE CAN. Now I can imagine someone like that taking advantage of a law like this.

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