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New Hoon Laws


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to catch a drug dealer you might have to actually put some real work into that , not the soft target like some poor bloke out cruisin in he's pride and joy.

Ain't that the truth. Funny how when WA lost it's digital road side revenue raising devices for a few days the media omitted to publish that the driving fatalities were one big fat ZERO.

I reckon this is a hard one. There are some real wa*ker cops out there but many more good ones just trying to do their job. I guess if you spin up the rear wheels or indulge in some other hooning type behaviour then you are either going to cop the rap or appeal to police descretion. The trouble with the hooning thing is too complicated and varied to find an answer. The hardest part of the problem is that young inexperienced, mostly male, drivers with respect rating of zero can get their hands on high powered car too easily and they all think they are Peter Brock, the only way to stop these smartarses is to ban mods and crush their cars, this of course starts a whole new set of problems.

We all know that the speed camera thing is about revenue, if it wasn't they would do the same thing as in the UK and put cameras in genuine black spots and then warn drivers via sign about 6 times for the approaching five miles.

I had Mk11 Zephyrs and Vauxhalls etc that couldn't hit 80 MPH in a fit and took 30+ sec to do a 1/4 mile and no one cared about 0-100 times.

As far as the cops are concerned I guess if I had to be first on the scene at needless fatalities and witness the carnage then have to go and tell the parents or the rellies, then I wouldn't be inclined to show too much mercy to dickhead drivers.

Drunk drivers and suburban speeders, throw the book at them I reckon, an accidental spin of the wheels in the wet, get real. Still if you have a government quite happy to steal money from people, via cameras and radars, who are doing 3 klm over the limit on the way to work then that is tantamount to dictatorial fraud IMHO.

The Govts know nothing will work so they are just cashing in. The dictators in the WA WA land Govt are boasting how their new cameras will increase their revenue to 200 million a year, all under the guise of road safety. What a crock.


You poor victim. Its just not fair.


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If car enthusiests are the cause of a problem then they should be targeted, just like drug dealers, but the ongoing issue is much broader then that. We do, however, continue to make a loose association between car enthusiests and the 'hoon' label without any valid support.


sly meat this the post I was responding to if the cops realy think your average hoon should be treated the same as drug dealers , I think that's a problem and I'm not talkin dickhead drivers that push the limits I'm talkin about some one playin up a little bit I really don't think they come in to the same class as dealers ,

without being to harsh, I think you two boys in blue might be out numbered on this one ,general opinion seems to be the law itself is a dangerous law that lends itself to, too much discretion

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Ain't that the truth. Funny how when WA lost it's digital road side revenue raising devices for a few days the media omitted to publish that the driving fatalities were one big fat ZERO.

Something I read a few months ago (just can't be bothered searcjing the internet for the article) was about the highways in the NT having speed limits applied. In the FIRST 12 months road deaths on these newly speed limited roads rose somthing like 400%!!!

Apparently the new state power (whatever his/her name is) is now investigating removing these speed limits. This is an indication that not all laws are thought out properly. They obviously thought that by lowering the limits that it would be safer, not taking into consideration the amount of people that would fall asleep.

An almost identical situation happened in Vic quite a few years ago, a section of highway was deemed to be a black spot, the limit was lowered from 110kph to 90kph and in the following 12months the deaths nearly tripled. After the limit was raised back up the deaths went back to 'normal'.

Yet another example is the F3 heading north out of Sydney, a section was lowered to 90 (or was it 80,can't remember now) to try and lower the amount of accidents in this area. Needless to say it didn't work and now the limit is back to what it was with the limit automatically lowered in wet weather.

As to the hoon laws, if you read back a bit you will see my views and I ain't going to add any more to that useless debate!

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You poor victim. Its just not fair.


Just for the record I have a clean licence, I am not a victim, and I'm certainly not poor. I guess your a cop in the NSW HWP? That being so, the above answer is the sort of pathetism I would expect.

I was trying to have a realistic look at the situation, and if you think the revenue raising devices do anything to curtail the road toll, then you are a cop, because they are about the only ones left who really beleive it. Maybe it's gullibility, or maybe it's a self justification on not being a hypocrite? Either way, you can do what you want with the hoons, they ain't going away. Bottom line= more money for the state Govts under the guise of road safety.

Edited by hypnodoc
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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Good post 1of 5

Mate 2 facts to consider.

1. Everywhere in the world where they have raised speed limits (e.g most of the US) and banished speed cameras (e.g Canada and Hawaii) the toll goes down.

2. All of the governments lie to all of the people all of the time, and they will tell a gullible public anything to keep the cash rolling in

This has IMO, has forced a situation where the important thing regarding speeding is simply this!!!!!!!!! DON'T GET CAUGHT.

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Geez hypno, had to read that twice, misread it or didn' read certain words and thought you were saying well done but your wrong.

As I said, if I can be bothered and get all my other work done tonight I will have a search for all 3 articles but don't get too excited.

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2. All of the governments lie to all of the people all of the time, and they will tell a gullible public anything to keep the cash rolling in

Surely you’re not suggesting that governments make crap up to suit their own short-term goals??? :innocent:

You’ve hit the nail(s) right on the head Doc. Perhaps it’s just that new fangdangled online hypnosis your avatar is delivering :tonguepoke:

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