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john s

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  • Member For: 19y 2m 23d
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took the F6 to Northbridge on Sat night. Parked in council carpark and came back 4 hours later to find some moron had graffitied my passenger side windows with a key ? it seems pretty deep....so wonder if anyone knows of a glass repair shop that might be able to fix my problem. I expect I will have to go through insurance to repair, or to replace!!!! cheers.

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 1d
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f*ck that sucks... but atleast its on the window no panels to get repaired..... I had my drivers door keyed just over the weekend.. f*ckin broke my heart ... anyone know a good body shop in melb?

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Sorry to hear, mate.

2 things in life that really drive me nuts is vandalism (such as graffiti) and thieves.

The first blatantly ruins something someone has worked for and the later is some *beep* pinching something someone has worked for. Either way, the poor bugger who worked for it ends up getting sh*t on.

A shop where I live had a fantastic timber roller door installed and 2 days later it was covered in a giant tag. Poor bastard paid thousands on this door and some goose came along, f*cked it up, pulled himself with the joy of wrecking something that wasn't his and wandered off.

We've also got a "f*ck DA POLICE - 67 CREW" on the fence of a dude's house in our beautiful, tree-lined street. Is ugly to look at and serves no purpose. Granted the local cops are now saddened by the fact that the 67 crew doesn't like them, no doubt.

I'd love to catch the 67 crew and rub the graffiti off with some solvent and their faces.

I had a relatively deep cut on my windscreen that they managed to fix, so you might just want to try a windscreen joint and see what they can do. Only cost me $50 at the time.


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  • Member For: 17y 2m 5d

That kind of crap really p1ss3s me off too.

Like one of the other guys said lucky its on the window and not one of the panels.

Yeah - I'd love to catch them and administer them with the 5 point palm exploding heart technique...

Definately report the tag to the cops!

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  • Member For: 17y 1m 12d
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That sucks mate! lucky its the glass though not the paint!

Some kid in school a few years back had a tag scratched into the side of his car, all the way down to the bare metal too...

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