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Fpv Build Numbers


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Only 500 BF R Specs though. Cars are better but the ownership certificates are much more crappy than the BA ones :sleepystuff:

Edited by hypnodoc
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Only 500 BF R Specs though. Cars are better but the ownership certificates are much more crappy than the BA ones :roflmbo:

There's only 300 R Specs made doc. That's one of the reasons I bought it!


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  • It's All In Your Mind
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  • Member For: 21y 4m 2d
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There's only 300 R Specs made doc. That's one of the reasons I bought it!


Opppps. You are correct. that's better than 500.

No 40, a charchol coloured auto is still sitting at Titans in WA. If it's still there when the FG comes out it should be an exceptional price. I am thinking seriously of buying it and putting it away in storage for 10 years or so. I reckon in 10 years time an R Spec with less than 500klm on it has half a chance of appreciating. Ours I think may simply hold their value better than the non R Spec BFs.

The black one, No 279 from memory, that my producer in Qld got already looks like a farm hack. Some people have no respect or appreciation for fine automobiles, he unfortunately is one of them. Imagine an R Spec with 2500klm on it, 3 scraped rims and not washed or vacuumed for 2 1/2 months. I feel like slapping him. Still he hammered 013 the BA Phoon for 87,000 klm and it survived him ell mechanically, which believe me says a lot for the reliabilty of the these cars.

Edited by hypnodoc
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