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Choosing Folks New Car...


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Hey guys, my folks are looking at a new car and have 4 in their sights. All auto.

2008 Subaru XT Premium 2.5lt Turbo

Lexus RX 350 3.5lt V6

BMW X5 3.0d

Volkswagen Touareg V6 TDi

The Subaru scores well as they currently have one and have been very happy with it, I know its not really in the same class as the others.

Anyone have any comments? I think Lexus is giving them a car for the weekend so I've told them to book in test drives with the other three yards and take the Lexus and drive all back to back.

My pick is the VW, but I think they are all good cars. Price isn't a major concern (bastards).



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Touareg hand down IMHO..

if money is no issue lean them towards the Touareg R50.. twice the price but ten times the fun!

Edited by jEtONiT
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As you said the Subaru is not in the same class. I gather from the model, it is a Forester.

I would choose the VW, but get the V8 one.

Please talk your parents out of Diesel, as they cost more to buy, more to service and they are a PIA to own.

All this talk of Diesel being better is BS and all comes from Europe. Overall the savings in fuel is overshaddowed by the higher cost of fuel, serviceing and initial cost.

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There is no V8 option in the Toureg line anymore Mal and the diesel is the same price as the petrol model:


Touareg 2.5 R5 TDI 6 Speed Automatic $64,990.00

Touareg 3.6 V6 FSI 6 Speed Automatic $74,990.00

Touareg 3.0 V6 TDI 6 Speed Automatic $74,990.00

Touareg 5.0 V10 TDI 6 Speed Automatic $121,990.00

Touareg R50 6 Speed Automatic (Now available to pre order) $129,990.00

IF they go with the Lexus :buttrock: make sure they get it from Lexus of Brighton... Washforlife :roflmbo:

Obvious question...have they considered the TTGhia...

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I'm not a fan of the Lexus, but it does come with some nice bits... I think Qld to Victoria for free cleans might be a bit far.

The subaru is a forester, but I think as soon as they start driving the other three they will realise its not on the same level.

Like I said the VW is my pick, but they dont see the value in the R50 :(

To be honest they havent even considered the TTGhia, do you think it would stand up to comparsion? When my sister was looking at them, she wasnt impressed whatso ever. She ended up with a Tribute... but she was looking at the base model.


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Our second car is a Lexus & I personally think they are a great car never had a problem with it & Lexus / Toyota stand by the car & are very supportive.

In saying that we are looking at getting a towing car & the VW is at the top of the list next to the AUDI which is worth looking at.


TUFXRT6 :idunno:

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Hey ya,

If they like Subaru, why not consider the Tribeca???

Bigger, Better, Harder then the Forester - and still a Suby....

If not maybe a Mazda 7? know of 3 people that have bought them in the past 2 months and all love their 7's...

If it was me I would be going the Audi, or VW...

Lexus (while being a Toy'ota) screams divorced mother out the front of a private school, having said that - the pretty little women wants one and well I was finally given the tick of approval to off load the Lib GT (after only 18months brand new) and get the F6 (again brand new) so maybe just..... maybe she can have the Lexus without being single!!!

btw - if they like the Forester they might like to look at the Volvo!

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