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Fuel Consumption (merged topic)


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Agree with Geea, probably needs to be retuned.

You will probably also find that it is two ends of the spectrum. Drive it hard and you will go through more juice, as it is getting better performance, drive it efficiently and you will get more kays for the same reason as it is breathing more easier. :thumbsup: :lol:

198.5km out of a tank WTF!!!

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What do you call high?

My car just went 198.5km on a tank of fuel (55lt) which I work out to be just short of 27.7lt per 100.

yes I do sing the boot in a bit, but if I drive like I have a copper on my lap, & keep the revs to under 2500, I get fantastic economy of 21.5 ltrs per 100km.

All I need to do now is paint a kangaroo on the rear wing and write Boeing 767 on the front gaurd. Anyone else got this high consumption.

XR6T Modifications..............................................................NONE!!!!

I would see your ford dealer. when mine was stock and I had more licence I used to go flat out everywhere and get nowhere near that!

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What do you call high?

My car just went 198.5km on a tank of fuel (55lt) which I work out to be just short of 27.7lt per 100.

yes I do sing the boot in a bit, but if I drive like I have a copper on my lap, & keep the revs to under 2500, I get fantastic economy of 21.5 ltrs per 100km.

All I need to do now is paint a kangaroo on the rear wing and write Boeing 767 on the front gaurd. Anyone else got this high consumption.

XR6T Modifications..............................................................NONE!!!!

Houston....we have a problem.

27.7lt per 100? I get half that!

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  • Team Bute
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578km's out of a tank in a ute with APS Phase 3!

:thumbsup: onya 100% !

you must do a bit of country driving to get that figure......

I get 17.5 l/100km around town according to the computer..... only good for a touch over 400 km/tank..... and I only have a ~180 rwkw stocky XR6T and drive it like an HgAg (old) man . WTF!

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my dads normal trip to work is probably a fair bit more constant cruising (not too many traffic lights) compared to most of you guys. I know we get around mid 400's per tank but I cant remember how big the tank is, we usually fill up at around 40k's left according to the trip comp...

consumption went up a bit when I had the car for a couple of weeks :)

got high 500's a few times doing country driving.

cant imagine how anyone could possibly get over 20L/100k's???

Edited by DadWontLetMeDriveIt
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on the snowy cruise on the weekend my avg was 10.6 L per 100,big improvement in fuel economy since ive had the aps upgrade

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578km's out of a tank in a ute with APS Phase 3!

<_< onya 100% !

you must do a bit of country driving to get that figure......

I get 17.5 l/100km around town according to the computer..... only good for a touch over 400 km/tank..... and I only have a ~180 rwkw stocky XR6T and drive it like an HgAg (old) man . WTF!

About half my driving is on Hwy, the rest around town. Apart from Friday nights at Calder :blush: Have had better economy since going to Phase 2, and it didn't change with Phase 3.

Could be a good way for all you guys under the thumb to justify the mods :lol: "but it will pay for itself darling....."

More power=better economy! Gotta love that :unsure:

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Guys, there are so many things that can impact on fuel economy when you start to ponder the issue heres a few for you to consider,

1) State of engine tune

2) tyre pressure

3) tyre diameter

4) wheel alignment

5) brake drag

6) trans type

7) fuel type Shell optimax is the best fuel I have tested for improved fuel economy.

8) Ambient conditions

9) head/tail winds.

When testing fuel economy its best to pick a test route (I use the Melbourne to Geelong road) and fill the tank to the neck before starting the test. I normally test at 110 kph steady state cruising down to Geelong and then back to the same service station to refill and then calculate the fuel consumption.

The best I have seen from a manual 5 speed T is 8.1 litres per 100 K. As you can see from the above unless there is some basic guide line as to the economy test you will always see/hear of huge differences in fuel economy figures reported by owners. Just a few things to think on if your chasing the best economy and driving many kays per week.



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