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Fuel Consumption (merged topic)


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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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My best DTE (after filling) was about 570, usually it's around 500 (20 or so either side) @ 11.? L/100klm.

I'm happy with that. :spit:


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Hey, has any one seen a Vixen (Red) Typhoon?? And you know the writing on the side, is it still Red And how good does it look and would you change the color and what to? And can any one get a picture of a red one ?


What tha? has this got to do with Fuel consumption?

Anyway, I just towed a jet ski (fully loaded with luggage and 4 adults) from Gold Coast to Newcastle and average was 12.8L/100k.

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Drove the F6 from Brisbane to Coffs Harbour and back over Xmas and averaged 11.9ltrs/100km. Double points/double $$ Xmas peiod always gets better mileage!!

Best out of a tank is 460km with a mix of highway and city. Don''t trust the 0 Km to go - my last XR6T ran out of gas at 43km to go so drive by the gauge, not the computer display!!

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I'm getting about 370-380 DTE everytime I fill up...it's got 1500kms on it now....

I'm hoping it will get up to about 500-550 DTE, with the same driving style I have now...


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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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My best DTE (after filling) was about 570, usually it's around 500 (20 or so either side) @ 11.? L/100klm.

I'm happy with that. :w00t2:


Same, not bad considering most of my driving is in :respeckt: melb traffic with very little highway work.

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Guest pasturbo
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Took a trip to Melbourne and back with 1500 ks on the clock at the start of the trip. On the return trip I got 11.2 l / 100kms and I was pushing it (had the mother in law with me - enough to make anyone get a trip over with quicker). Generally seem to be averaging 13 - 14 l /100 kms around town.

Does everyone run their T on premium?? It is selling for 115.9 here :thumbsup: making a tank fill pretty expensive. Would using regular have a big impact on performance/fuel economy??


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  • Powered by Ford's 3.7 V6 = Zoom Zoom Zoom!
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Took a trip to Melbourne and back with 1500 ks on the clock at the start of the trip.  On the return trip I got 11.2 l / 100kms and I was pushing it (had the mother in law with me - enough to make anyone get a trip over with quicker).  Generally seem to be averaging 13 - 14 l /100 kms around town. 

Does everyone run their T on premium??  It is selling for 115.9 here :thumbsup: making a tank fill pretty expensive.  Would using regular have a big impact on performance/fuel economy??



Ahh Qld prices are so great! Filled up at Tweed Heads before I left and price was down to 88.9 for BP ultima(98), admittably it does normally hover around 97c but as long as I fill on Wed or Thurs its cheapest.

No way would I consider running on regular(91), even though the T,s knock sensors would handle it, but your defeating the purpose as it may be cheaper to buy but your fuel economy would be a lot worse, therefore your tank fill would cost about the same for less power. I have proven this many times with other cars.

Happy New Year to ALL! Cheers B.B.

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Does everyone run their T on premium??  It is selling for 115.9 here :w00t2: making a tank fill pretty expensive.  Would using regular have a big impact on performance/fuel economy??



The only time My Precioussss has had any fuel less than 98 RON was in Tassie where we could only get 95 RON. (hate Vortex!!! :respeckt:)

If possible, I use Optimax, but on occasion, I've used the other major vendor's premium offerings. :thumbsup:

Filled up (Optimax) yesterday and for the first time in a long while the price was below $1/ltr. 99.7c :w00t2:


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Does everyone run their T on premium??  It is selling for 115.9 here :w00t2: making a tank fill pretty expensive.  Would using regular have a big impact on performance/fuel economy??



The only time My Precioussss has had any fuel less than 98 RON was in Tassie where we could only get 95 RON. (hate Vortex!!! :respeckt:)

If possible, I use Optimax, but on occasion, I've used the other major vendor's premium offerings. :thumbsup:

Filled up (Optimax) yesterday and for the first time in a long while the price was below $1/ltr. 99.7c :k24t:



NO FAIR :w00t2: It's still 118.7 here in wagga. Last week when I was in Albury those lucky bastards are only paying 105.8 Almost worth the 130 K's each way to get cheaper fuel :nod:

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