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Fuel Consumption (merged topic)


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Seriously, it's just normal everyday driving to and from work. It's not total stop start, but it is busy, so I literally don't have the opportunity to even thrash it, and I'm actually trying to get the best economy atm to see what it will do.

I'm thinking I need to take it to an EFI specialist to get an AFR probe shoved up it's coit.

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 25d
  • Location: Somewhere on the Open Highway, NT
2500km old.

the last two tanks have been

400km/15.9L = 67L total filled

380km/19.8L = 65L total filled.

so far this tank (89km into it) its showing 20.1l/100 muahhahaha.. .then then agian - im running in my engine :) needs a bit of a spirited drive here and there :)

lol I thought I was bad with my running in :spoton:

haha - the idea for me is to drive it like I stole it, get any warrany jobs done before 7500km, when ill get an EDIT :spoton:

so my driving style, if somethign is going to break, it will hopefully break before I EDIT it :laughing:

heheh.. well, a variation of that anyway :spit:

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I live in a country town, probably 70/30 town/highway, only run ultimate, last time I filled up it said 319km DTE.

The way I figure With fuel costing 169.9 a litre you have to get as much fun out of it as possible.


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  • Member For: 18y 6m 20d
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hi guys,

I've had my T for aproximatley 2 weeks now and love every thing about the car apart from the fuel bill. its an 04 5spd manual done 58000k's. I dont drive it that often. when I do I give it a bit of a squirt now and then but mainly the mrs just putts it around town during the week yet the fuel consumption doesnt go under 16l/100k's. its costing me about $75 a week to go less than 300k's!

I'm not going to mod the car for more power because of warranty concerns but what can I do to improve the blasted fuel economy?

otherwise if petrol gets much dearer it will be the shortest ownership in history.



What's the service history like on your car?

I'd recommend having the fuel filter changed, pump screen clean and replacing the O2 sensor. What fuel do you run in it?

usually a 95 octane. mainly vortex. service history is good as it's ex telstra fleet

so what u mean to say is that it was run on 91 octane all its life??

total fuel system clean buddy....

you know I didnt even consider that aspect of the telstra fleet. I think you might have hit the nail on the head. :spoton:

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  • Yaris member
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  • Member For: 18y 8m 5d
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2500km old.

the last two tanks have been

400km/15.9L = 67L total filled

380km/19.8L = 65L total filled.

so far this tank (89km into it) its showing 20.1l/100 muahhahaha.. .then then agian - im running in my engine :) needs a bit of a spirited drive here and there :)

lol I thought I was bad with my running in :pinch:

haha - the idea for me is to drive it like I stole it, get any warrany jobs done before 7500km, when ill get an EDIT :blink:

so my driving style, if somethign is going to break, it will hopefully break before I EDIT it :kissmy:

heheh.. well, a variation of that anyway :gooff:

Y u waiting for 7500km for edit?

I was thinkn of waiting for 2 years.. but I dont think I can wait that long :pinch:

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 25d
  • Location: Somewhere on the Open Highway, NT

7500 seems to be a good number. Ill use the Castrol oil in her at 7500 so ill Get the Edit done at the same time - or there abouts :S

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