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Fuel Consumption (merged topic)


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  miker said:
yet the fuel consumption doesnt go under 16l/100k's. its costing me about $75 a week to go less than 300k's!
Try towing a tonne or so!! :sleepystuff:
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OK...the old fuel consumption issue!!!!!

I have a bewtiful 2004 MK1 Manual 5 speed which has clocked up 60k klms and is used as a work car - my company went to Holdens for their fleet. It's always run on premium fuel.

I regularly check my fuel consumption and in city driving I average at 13 lts per 100...out on the open road from Perth to Albany the average drops down to 10.8.

I would take it back to Ford and get them to check the fuel filter, injectors, plugs, air filter and mix...is it sooty around the exhaust? - rich mixture can blow away your consumption figgures...

Good luck....the T is a great car and should return 6 economy with the occassional boot full of v8 power!

Snail :sleepystuff::stupid:

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  ford number 1 said:
another thing is to check what the average speed is on the trip meter..id b interested in what it is for the guys who get good economy..

You are going to hate me then. I now have 10k on the clock, trip to QLD, 4 or 5 trips to Syd, 1 trip to Melb. Rest of the time zipping around Canberra.

Avg speed 70km, 10.5/100. I guess half my Ks have been on long trips but its still pretty good. I can still manage anything between 490-550 driving in Canberra. 490 is when I am keeping people honest.

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Well I've only had it for a couple of weeks, but my consumtion is terrible. If I drive like an absolute granny, only using like 1cm of throttle, the best I can get is 16.7l/100k. If I drive it like a normal car, I'm on like 19L/100k. If I drive it like a sports car, it's well into the 20's, and if I thrash it...

This thing drinks more fuel than my RX7 ever did.

Edited by johng
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Don't be afraid to use the boost. Your car generates more power using less fuel while on boost. If you just put around it is never on boost, essential you are driving a decompressed 6 cylinder.

I use approx $170 per week and average 12l/100, mixture of city & highway

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  miker said:
hi guys,

I've had my T for aproximatley 2 weeks now and love every thing about the car apart from the fuel bill. its an 04 5spd manual done 58000k's. I dont drive it that often. when I do I give it a bit of a squirt now and then but mainly the mrs just putts it around town during the week yet the fuel consumption doesnt go under 16l/100k's. its costing me about $75 a week to go less than 300k's!

I'm not going to mod the car for more power because of warranty concerns but what can I do to improve the blasted fuel economy?

otherwise if petrol gets much dearer it will be the shortest ownership in history.



Hi Miker,

Presently have a BF Turbo with 6 speed auto & have found not to rely on the average per hundred reading too much. Mine say's that I am averaging 15.5 around town, but when I work it out at each fill it equates to about 12.8 average when filled to the second click. The car has has only done 4,000k's & is improving every day. When I first got it I was lucky to get 100 k's from full to 3/4 but now get close to 150. I run it on 95 Ron. All I can say is that it is a lot more economical than the BA XR8 that I had before it. Check your consumption manually. :spoton:

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Cruel, a bit full-on, but :stirthepot: !!

Actually, I've driven them a couple of times as hire cars when nothing bigger was available and they're not too bad. Sucks once you get a passenger and a suitcase or two though! :sick:

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