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Fuel Consumption (merged topic)


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I have a life average off the trip computer of 14.1L per 100kms, I drive in the traffic a little bit on the way to work and home... not a heap of freeway work, well not for extended periods anyway...

Pretty happy with that... about 400k's to a tank with at least 80kms left on the DTE...

It sits in the low to mid 9's on the freeway...

Jack :stirthepot:

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Read it again...

7km per L.

So that's 14.28L per 100km.

Thanks Adam for teaching others to read, you'll always have a job here, LOL

My standard consumption was 7.7k's per litre stock, since I fitted the KnN air filter it has been 7, the boost increases haven't changed it one Iota

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My Typhoon was getting 450-500km per tank before the DTE showed 0km. The car has now done 35000km and the consumption has pretty much stayed the same since the re-flash from Ford @ 15000km.

Without any dramatic change in driving style or furel supply my last tank only got to 370km before DTE was at 0. I filled again at a different station using BP Ultimate and I have done 170km and there is only 180km showing on DTE. There are no leaks. The car runs like it always has but at this rate I will be getting 100km per tank less than before.

What do you guys get on average?

BTW the trip computer shows an average of 12.1l/100km?????

The other thing is when I last filled the car the DTE showed just under 500km which is what it always has in the past.

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maybe the trip computer is reading incorrect??

either that of the re-flash ford did for u fukt up..

either way, an edit should fix it :spoton:

Edited by jEtONiT
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my DTE never reads more than 450k's after a refill and if I drive like a grandma I will get that 450 out of the tank.

the l/100 readout is far from accurate although it is consistent (just on 1 l/100 worse off than actual)

I would get ford to check the thing for error codes to see if something is wrong :glad:

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You should not use your trip computer DTE or average consumption to figure out an accurate fuel consumption. As stated earlier, the average figure can be as much as 1L/100km out and DTE is a very loose and ever changing figure (sometimes up as well as down). Remember as well that unless you brim your tank every fill there can easily be about 2L difference in how much fuel is in the tank when you think it's full.

You need to start recording how much fuel you are putting in the car and the distance travelled over 3 or 4 fills to get a better idea what the car is doing.


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