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Fuel Consumption (merged topic)


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Did the same flat trip again and got 10.6, not too sure re wind etc but its getting better. Over 500 on the clock now. Time to trade while its still worth something :B):

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Some more info to add. I've been calculating my fuel use vs trip meter in my modified BFII lately. Quick listing:

Fills done to the first click, trip meter reset to 0. Fill to first click again.

368.5km - 44.6L - trip meter says: 10.2 Actual = 8.26

166km - 20.71L - trip meter says: 10.3 Actual = 8.02

167km - 28L - Actual = 5.96 (didn't write down the trip meter here)

These are on highway cruises (100km/h) with a few traffic lights, and some hill driving at 80km/h.

If I put my foot down it's not nearly as good of course :3gears:

I have had very simular results with our BFII xr6 turbo, the trip computer is pesimistic, the best I can manage on the computer is about 10.2 outside the city, but work it out the old fashioned way and its usually in the low 8s

Interesting to note too that my missus has noted that on the same work comute for 5 days it seems to use within a litre per week of her subaru liberty RX 2.5 auto that we just got rid of, so the XR is cheaper to own and run because it dosent need fixing.....ever, unlike the subaru.

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I totally stuffed up those calcs mate - wrong way around.

I'll redo them here

368.5km - 44.6L - trip meter says: 10.2 Actual = 12.1

166km - 20.71L - trip meter says: 10.3 Actual = 12.47

167km - 28L - Actual = 16.76 (didn't write down the trip meter here)

Not so good now eh! hahaha.

I find the trip meter is about 1.5 to 2L/100km lower than the actual usage after being tuned. Before tuning it was about 1L/100 over the actual use.

No idea why... :3gears:

Edited by -SteveR-
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02 sensor is quite critical in closed loop operation (which is cruise and light acceleration), where the ECU is constantly monitoring Air/Fuel ratio and trimming (adjusting) for optimum. If it's not 100% or busted the reading may be off and fuel consumption could suffer. As for the tune, it's not going to make any difference in closed loop. The ECU has short and long term trimming which will always try to achieve best possible A/F.

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My 2006 BF MKII with 110,000k says around 13L/100 on the trip metre.

Depending on how I have been driving that week I range from 12L/100 to 13.5L/100 so its pretty good.

That is on BP Ultimate (98RON)

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