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Peter Warren Nsw Fg Launch Weekend


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Well today was a good day for us! We have a few orders and alot of interested and amazed people in regards to the new models (particularly the T!)

Was good to meet those of you that came down, thanks for the support!

I'll start updating the FPV launch thread soon, we will be aiming for that one to be a bit more of a low key, invite only style event.



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Thanks for the test drive Pat and making this opportunity available to forum members.

Car goes very well stock, and the 6-speed auto mates very well to the power.

Interior and dash is vastly improved in design and good array of features, and the centre console display is mounted high as it should be.

The dash design makes you feel more involved as a driver.

Steering at lower speeds had a better and lighter feel to it.

Overall shape is more modern but retains the heritage.

Good luck with the sales.

And thanks for the sausage sizzzle.

Good to meet Benny who came down from Newcastle.... big effort.


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  • loitering with intent
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Pat , nice to meet you. Brian must have just missed you by the sounds of it. I'm saving my test drive for the G6ET and the Phoon as that will be where I probably will be looking next.

In my greed to wolf down my sausage sizzle I burnt the sh*t out of the roof of my mouth , should heal by the end of the week :buttonit:

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I'll start off by saying Pat thanks very much for organising the day. It was great to meet you and see Brian again. I nearly didn't make it due to so many things to do.

All I can say is I'm so glad I made the long trip to come down and have a drive of the new FG Turbo. I can agree with all the statements Brian has made about the car. The interior is much improved from the BF with lots of impressive functions. The acceleration is impressive for a standard car I think and the sound from the exhaust and turbo is quite good. One thing I did notice is the Turbo seems at it's limit of traction when accelerating hard from a stand still. Not many cars acheive this in factory trim.

Brian I would like to thankyou very much for giving me the chance to drive your Typhoon, feel quite privelaged. What an impressive car to say the least. You say it's your slow car but there's nothing slow about it in my opinion hehe. The power delivery can be so well controlled with throttle input. But as Brian demonstrated and I found out for myself wheelspin comes on effortlessly at 4000rpm stepping the rear out in no time, no wonder you needed slicks to run that 11 sec quarter.

All in all I had an awesome day thanks guys. Can't wait for my FG to turn up.

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Brian I would like to thankyou very much for giving me the chance to drive your Typhoon, feel quite privelaged. What an impressive car to say the least. You say it's your slow car but there's nothing slow about it in my opinion hehe. The power delivery can be so well controlled with throttle input. But as Brian demonstrated and I found out for myself wheelspin comes on effortlessly at 4000rpm stepping the rear out in no time, no wonder you needed slicks to run that 11 sec quarter.

All in all I had an awesome day thanks guys. Can't wait for my FG to turn up.

Thanks Benny, although I'm not using slicks (yet), as the extra grip of slicks is most likely to break something in the drivetrain. Better to get some wheelspin for now.

Be sure to start your own thread with pics when you get your new car.


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Thanks for the test drive Pat and making this opportunity available to forum members.

Car goes very well stock, and the 6-speed auto mates very well to the power.

Interior and dash is vastly improved in design and good array of features, and the centre console display is mounted high as it should be.

The dash design makes you feel more involved as a driver.

Steering at lower speeds had a better and lighter feel to it.

Overall shape is more modern but retains the heritage.

Good luck with the sales.

And thanks for the sausage sizzzle.

Good to meet Benny who came down from Newcastle.... big effort.


Hey Brian,

Sounds like you were quite impressed with the new FG XR6T ... thx for sharing your impressions

Do you think the driving position of the FG is better than your BF F6? I always wish I could put my drivers seat lower in my BF Typhoon and disappointingly read in the drive.com.au FG XR6T review that the seat and seat height remains unaltered from the BF : (

Drive stated that the console, dash and door window sill height have all been raised in height to give the impression of a lower seat height but in reality seat height is carried over from BF???

What are your thoughts on the suspension and handling compared to your BF?

I really like all the pics I've seen of the new FG XR's & FPV's so think I'll update soon if its a much improved car to drive.



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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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I didn't note any difference in driving position. I haven't ever looked into lowering the driving seat, so I can't comment further.

I like my Tein suspension; on it's softest setting it still feels better and more controlled than the factory FG; and that's as I'd expect.

FPV version I'd expect to the better, but then again I never liked the factory BF F6 damper settings.


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Pat, thanks very much for the test drive of the T the other day. Having owned a BA 6T which I enjoyed very much I have to say that the new FG is definitely few more levels above the BA. Leaving the driveway you could tell you were in a very serious car. Love the new interior and although I am not the lightest person around I found the seats to be supportive and comfortable

Good luck with sales of the new car.

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