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Dont belive everything people say about the v8's, 90% of it is sh*t. Granted the T's are realativley cheap to mod (To a certain point) but the Boss cars can make good power to without spending a fortune and don't blow up as often as the T's.

A basic non IC blower kit will see you to 3oo-33orwkw & owe you about $5,ooo. An IC kit shouldnt cost you more than $75oo for something real fancy, from there you step into the likes of the BPR Kenne Bell kit. While more expensive their kits can make power from 3oorwkw to 6oo+rwkw if desired with just a pulley change, anyone whos been for a spin or driven one of these cars will tell you nothing compares to them.

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  • Member For: 18y 7m 16d
  • Location: Mehico

It all depends on how much you want to spend & how far you want to modify your car.

If you don't care about spending big bucks & your chasing BIG power & you don't mind getting everything Engineer certified, then stick to a V8.

At the end of the day if you do the same work to both cars, then the V8 wins.

However, if you want something that looks like a standard family taxi, mild power (up to 300RWKW) & no hassles with the law, then the T wins.

BTW... is putting a Blower on V8 street legal?

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 27d
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Ill be going an XR8 soon and im jumping from a 330rwkw+ T, the main reason is a change, and that every second car these days is a modded T, so a worked 8 would be more unique and plus an XR8 chopping a T would really piss the driver off.

I know it would piss me off lol, yes the 8's may be a little more $$$ but it would be worth it.

Edited by YPURV4
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  • Member For: 17y 8m 16d
Ill be going an XR8 soon and im jumping from a 330rwkw+ T, the main reason is a change, and that every second car these days is a modded T, so a worked 8 would be more unique and plus an XR8 chopping a T would really piss the driver off.

I know it would piss me off lol, yes the 8's may be a little more $$$ but it would be worth it.

I can't wait to try this. Pick up the ute today... Will be hard running in the new bits and keeping off the throttle.

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It all depends on how much you want to spend & how far you want to modify your car.

If you don't care about spending big bucks & your chasing BIG power & you don't mind getting everything Engineer certified, then stick to a V8.

At the end of the day if you do the same work to both cars, then the V8 wins.

However, if you want something that looks like a standard family taxi, mild power (up to 300RWKW) & no hassles with the law, then the T wins.

BTW... is putting a Blower on V8 street legal?

All the twinscrew kits (BPR, BPT & YT) are ADR complied & emission tested. None of the capa or home made kits are. As far as im aware only the APS gear has emission & ADR compliance, leaves that comment a shade unjustified & the T guys needing to get their cars certified not the other way around. It's baseless comments like this that make people assume it cant be done or is beyound reach of the reasonable person.

Each to their own though, a BPR kit is no more expensive than a nizpro stage 2 kit & has the capability to make up to 6oorwkw if the owner wishes to build the engine.

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Ill be going an XR8 soon and im jumping from a 330rwkw+ T, the main reason is a change, and that every second car these days is a modded T, so a worked 8 would be more unique and plus an XR8 chopping a T would really piss the driver off.

I know it would piss me off lol, yes the 8's may be a little more $$$ but it would be worth it.

Alot of guys were supprised when they lined my xr8 up & lost, most couldnt belive it was a stock engine with a blower and full exhaust. The Boss motor is a fairly stout engine and will take 35o-4oorwkw every day of the week aslong as the rpm's are kept stock. What blower kit are you looking at running.

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  • Member For: 18y 10m 14d
  • Location: Qld
I'm in Nowra mate. Other question for you all, they're after $34990 for it, 15000K, May 06, man, stock interior, polished intercooler?(havent asked details about mods yet). From what you have seen or valued does this sound like a decent price? Alreadychecked redbook etc, but they are usually a bit off current values.

oh, and never driven or been in a T, going to test drive tomoz.

Nice area mate. Worked the Nowra area with Telecom for 10 Years before moving north. Lived at Orient Point. To answer some of your Questions. I had a BA XR8 4/auto & traded it on a new 11/05 BF1 XR6T 6/auto. The turbo is lighter to steer & seems to handle better than the 8. Power wise the Turbo seems to have it at lower speeds with the 6/auto, but after driveing a XR8 with the 6/auto I don't think there's a lot in it. I traded The Turbo last year on a VE SS 6/auto after having build issues with the FORD. I found that I prefer the 8 as you don't have the minor problems with Actuators, oil injestion into the intercooler & other associated problems one seems to get with forced induction. The one I have now seems to be more potent down low with just sheer capacity & minimal throttle, whereapon I found with the Turbo you had to floor it to get on boost. Overall it's up to you. I traded the XR6T with 7,000k's for $30,000 last year & it went on the lot for $35,000, so that will give you some idea.

Edited by obi
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