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World War 3 ?


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Yeah I thought about that but then again Hitler was against everyone that was different or didn't want to join him, Jews, gay, lesbian and many other nationalities, he first declared war on Poland (same religion). It's just that he hated Jews in particular, not sure if it was because of religion or something else.

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Regarding religion, it was a cause for a lot of wars in the past and it still is but neither WW1 or WW2 were caused by religion.

More often a pre-cursor or poor excuse to hate and anilate another.


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Religion is a good, palatable casus belli for the masses, its someting emotive and something they can beleive.

The true cause as always is competition for resources, but it doesnt have quite the same hook for the masses as religion, so the

war mongers package it up as a religious cause.

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Religion in my opinion is just just a false source of hope. When you die your mind ceases to exist and the energy in your body shuts off and you decompose like the rest of the living organisms on this planet. You don't 'go' anywhere... You're dead!

Black/white up/down good/evil peace/war they all make the world go round and life would be boring without them...

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Black/white up/down good/evil peace/war they all make the world go round and life would be boring without them...

Yeah history lessons would be boring without wars but life ...... personally I'd prefer boredom of piece then excitement of a war, maybe you haven't been in one yet but it ain't really fun to be honest.

Edited by dule
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  • Flaccid Member
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During the entire history of the world, there's ALWAYS been some looming crisis just around the corner...

The invention of the Crossbow = the end of civilization, didn't happen

Atilla the Hun = the end of civilization, didn't happen

Suliman the magnificant = the end of civilization, didn't happen

Abolishment of slavery= the end of civilization, didn't happen

70's Oil crisis (were about to run out) = didn't happen and still isn't happening.

recently it's been a Nuclear holocust...didn't happen

Anthropocentric Global warming = Biggest lie perpetrated on mankind.

the muslim Califate ect ect... (Yawn)

Why is the world as we know it ALWAYS on the brink of ending?

As Dags says, it's to keep the masses in fear, do what you're told, we know best,

it you don't the russians will nuke you / Musilims will kill you in your beds / Atilla the hun will slaughter your family..

It's always been so and always will be.

Don't buy the hype

How many of these portents of doom have come to happen?


Personally, I'll believe it when it happens.

Sceptical sixfan....

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Sceptical sixfan....

Understand what you are saying, however dont forget that civilisations have been destroyed and races wiped out. The victor writes the history.....

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