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World War 3 ?


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I think we should nuke 1/2 of africa and most of the middle east, and while they are at it a few on the USA around D.C.. Problem solved with 90% of waring people turned to dust.

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I think it's safe to say that people in general don't want the kind of world we live in, and don't like the way it is going. What are we doing about it? There are many movements and causes different people adopt. While some of the causes do some good, the problems not only continue but are getting worse it seems. A lot of people look to religion but religion is one of, if not the single biggest antagonist. My 2 cents :)

Taoism has an interesting statement: The world will be as it wants to be.

People get what they want, and the only reason we have conflict in the world is because more people want conflict (for one reason or another) than those that don't. You only need to look at how few people are doing anything to change things. Most people are apathetic in their attitudes, quite happy for other people to do something without having to do it themselves. And while you have this apathy, you have a general acceptance - even a silent support - for how things are.

Sad, but I think it's true.

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I don't think any country has the balls to wage a World scale war, technology can be devastating these days and the UN has pretty much every technological country under its wing.

I personally disbelieve there will be another soldier vs soldier battle like the previous World War's its more gurella warfare tactics we are watching at the moment and there are no real winners in this situation because they simply will never be able to bring them all to justice, when they don't wear any particular uniform and can look simply like a civilian.

Also good luck to any country trying to invade USA, almost everybody in the US has a gun or 20 in there house there whole country is like a militia hahaha

Iran is now a nuclear power, and the U.S. stopped being a super power, a long long time ago, the financial heart of the world has reverted back to london already. with a huge praportion of their troops in the middle east, the U.S. wide open to invasion of a massive scale, from the chinese, the koreans or the russians, whom of which all seem to be in cahoots at the moment as the new axis.

People assume the US will save the day, it never has in the past, and never will, they have always been the last on the battlefield. They have just been told by the russians not to interfere with irans nuclear program, even though the countries leader is a complete madman, and wants the west dead and burried.

not really a response to your comment, but just because everybody in the US has a gun doesnt mean anything, everybody in the chinese army has a gun too, and probably better ones than whats kept in most US houses.

end of the day it all comes down to religion generally, I think the sooner everybody stops going to church / mosks etc. we'd all be better off

god didnt create man, man created god I believe.

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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god didnt create man, man created god I believe.

Amen to that brother

"God" has caused more death in human history than anything else....But it keeps the uneducated under control

Religion is like comparing whoes imaginary friend is better. :blink:

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god didnt create man, man created god I believe.

that depends on which side of the religious fence you sit on..

some believe you're correct, while MOST others care to differ.

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Iran is now a nuclear power, and the U.S. stopped being a super power, a long long time ago, the financial heart of the world has reverted back to london already. with a huge praportion of their troops in the middle east, the U.S. wide open to invasion of a massive scale, from the chinese, the koreans or the russians, whom of which all seem to be in cahoots at the moment as the new axis.

People assume the US will save the day, it never has in the past, and never will, they have always been the last on the battlefield. They have just been told by the russians not to interfere with irans nuclear program, even though the countries leader is a complete madman, and wants the west dead and burried.

not really a response to your comment, but just because everybody in the US has a gun doesnt mean anything, everybody in the chinese army has a gun too, and probably better ones than whats kept in most US houses.

ok mate, you really need to stop talking now. You have made your ignorance on matters of military power and strategy all to clear. This is some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen :crybaby:

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Is oil running out?

I would say so. Imagine if every country had more oil that they could use in a looooong time, US wouldn't be sticking their fingers in to middle east and in return Muslims wouldn't want to turn US in to ashes.

Regarding religion, it was a cause for a lot of wars in the past and it still is but neither WW1 or WW2 were caused by religion.

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