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World War 3 ?


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Because the buildings collapsed from the top down. People shouls llok at the facts before spewing crap about the US planning, or blowing up the buildings themselves. The buildings are steel framed. The jet fuel burned so long and so hot the frames eventually melted and buckled, bringing down the top sections of the buildings, right down onto the rest of the buildings. The lower sections couldn't take the weight and they all fell floor by floor. It the buildings weren't steel framed they would have fallen apart as soon as the planes hit them. On what footage did you see the buildings collapse from the bottom?

On the war for oil crap, get over it simpleton. Who gives a crap if any of it was for oil. They got rid of a sadistic, murdering dictator who was killing more prople per day, than have been killed per year since the war started.

The Iraq war was avoidable. Ultimately the US went in because the UN wasn't doing their job. Regardless of if there were no weapons or not. It was within the UN's powers to stop the US, simply by making Iraq comply with the UN requirements for inspections etc. The UN knew full well the what the US would do, yet they still allowed it. Why? So the US could cop the blame for doing exactly what the UN wanted them to do.

Wars are not nice, they are always avoidable, but they are never simplistic, nor can they be put down to one reason, such as the moronic oil sh*t fed to the gullable loony lefties who suck it all up with a straw and ask for more.

Thas the basic way of putting, but still correct.

They knocked one man off, it wont change much the people who are supposed to be there protecting thier country & getting things back together are the ones doing the damage now. It's the way they have lived for many many generations and it's not going to change overnight, your expected to turn a blind eye because it's their own people but this is one of the reasons why alot of the highly trained guys are moving to the private sector. Certain skill sets & actual combat experiance bring big big money atm in various parts of the world.

At the end of the day it all comes down to $$$, money makes the world go round. The how's & whys are called by people who plan 1oo steps ahead, everything is done for a reason even if 95% of the time we don't know it.

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Yeah mate, same story with Kosovo, like America gives a fu^k about Albanians, they got their own interests, now they got to build a huge base in the Balkans, something they were trying to do for a while now.

It's all about interests.

very true every move they make doesnt have the people in mind its got their own interests in mind. They now get to build a base in albania and it gives them a good position to fight russia.

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It is the deep ocean.

Not many countires can use their navy to cross the ocean and invade and maintain a sustained attack.

The USA has several carrier groups that operate as a ocean base that provide armour, air and troop support.

America is the only country in the world who have a full battle group (11 or 12 of them), these are more a visual deterant. They can takeout a whole country in variety of ways (econemy for 1), there's more ways to fight a war then just wiping people out.

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So US went in to Iraq to save the people of Iraq, yeah right.

So you really think they would sacrifice that many of their own soldiers and spend that much money just to help out pure people of Iraq.

And if you're interested in numbers have a look at icasualties.org, a lot of people have died there, and a lot are still dying.

If they just wanted to get rid of Sadam I'm sure they could have arranged for him to be killed without invading the country.

No you simplistic sheep. I said so what if it was for oil, getting rid of Sadman was a good thing, yet no one want's to put any attention on the positives. I agree that they're a mad race and will continue killing each other, but at least they're slightly better off now.

A more pressing reason for the US to go into Iraq than oil, was simply to save face. They are known as the worlds biggest super power, yet a handfull of crazt towel heads infultrated their security and made fools of them by ramming planes into a few buildings, including the Pantagon (supposedly the world's most secure facility). The US needed to save face and restore their military dominance and to do this, they saw Iraq as their last failure (because they didn't finish the job last time). and a good place to flex their military might.

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Regarding religion, it was a cause for a lot of wars in the past and it still is but neither WW1 or WW2 were caused by religion.

Sorry dule but Jews weren't slaughtered en mass because they had facial hair and stein as a part of their surname.

The Euopean Conflict was VERY much a religious affair. Ethnic cleansing as it was known...just because they were Jewish.

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Nice read. Lets not get personal at each other :)

Just a quick thought about winners-

US (and allies) would be very strong at the start of a WW3 (mainly aircraft, battlegroups and ranged missiles) but could be overwealmed in a world war very quickly (especially the economy) with enough enemies with its current force. If things got low enough and the country was then put into full scale war time ecconomy, every person not working for their gain but to win the war, like Britan and Russia in WW2, it would likely turn around again and US (and allies) would likely be the victor. This is another reason the Germans held out so long against, so many of the allies, because they were in full time war economy and mindset years before the allies (allies were fighting usings their normal economies).

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FatBAt when a race of people running around saying they the "chosen" ones from god and they are "his" children.

I bet jews wouldn't get it bad if they didn't think they are gods special race.

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