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World War 3 ?


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  • Member For: 17y 6m 21d
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FatBAt when a race of people running around saying they the "chosen" ones from god and they are "his" children.

I bet jews wouldn't get it bad if they didn't think they are gods special race.

Your first sentence doesn't go anywhere! Eventhough I do not agree that they are Gods chosen people, according to their beliefs they are! You can't have freedom of religion without letting people be free to believe what they will. When nutters start harming other people because of their beliefs then they've obviously gone too far.

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FatBAt when a race of people running around saying they the "chosen" ones from god and they are "his" children.

I bet jews wouldn't get it bad if they didn't think they are gods special race.

Get it bad? Oh come on....They weren't just taunted, they were murdered! I don't care what they were going around saying. No one deserves to be gassed while thinking they were led to having a shower.

Women & children mate. Did the children think they were maters. It sickens me that a whole country could be brainwashed by one sick and twisted tyrant into thinking that a good Jew was a dead one.

That is what a typical German thought. They just hated Jews because Hitler did. AND if they didn't, that was seen as a direct threat against the Reich where they would be dragged from their homes and shot in front of their familes. This was supposed to cleans the remaining family members.

Every religion thinks that their version is the more correct. No one deserves to die because of their own beliefs.


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  • Member For: 17y 11m 15d
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No you simplistic sheep. I said so what if it was for oil, getting rid of Sadman was a good thing, yet no one want's to put any attention on the positives. I agree that they're a mad race and will continue killing each other, but at least they're slightly better off now.

A more pressing reason for the US to go into Iraq than oil, was simply to save face. They are known as the worlds biggest super power, yet a handfull of crazt towel heads infultrated their security and made fools of them by ramming planes into a few buildings, including the Pantagon (supposedly the world's most secure facility). The US needed to save face and restore their military dominance and to do this, they saw Iraq as their last failure (because they didn't finish the job last time). and a good place to flex their military might.

so you think it was a good enough reason to invade a country resulting in the death of up to 600,000 civilians on the basis of a MASSIVE LIE (Weapons of mass destruction) but really to secure an oil supply and get rid of a leader that the west supported and armed for so many years? If you think that's a good enough reason then you are worse than a terrorist.

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Last half is good but the rest is dribble. I cant belive religious people, you dam & condem anyone who doesn't follow and abide by or belive in an unfounded unprooven fairytail. If you choose to belive in it good on you, hanging sh*t on those who don't :tonguepoke: ...

Um where did I hang sh*t on anyone. I think you should re-read my post I said if the aetheists are wrong. if.

People are free to beleive what ever they want I`m not preaching to anyone.

I don`t care if you beleive or don`t beleive. if you beleive in Budda,god, a 3 headed dog or nobody it`s your choice.

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  • Member For: 19y 9m 5d
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that depends on which side of the religious fence you sit on..

some believe you're correct, while MOST others care to differ.

Yes, it depends on whether you are a rational person or superstitious fool who needs an imaginary friend.

Just remember MOST people used to believe that the earth was flat and the Sun orbited the Earth.

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