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World War 3 ?


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I can`t beleive all these anti religous people.

I must be the only religous person on the site.

Oh well If I`m wrong I didn`t really lose anything at least know I was honest and tried to do the morally right thing.

If you aetheist are wrong you will all burn in hell.

I know churches have been the instigators of a lot of war the holly crusade etc.

But they have also done a lot of good. There is evil in everybody, it is up to the individual as to whether they are good or evil.

As for the Americans they are dumb as f*ck, but if they didn`t enter ww2 we would have all been f*cked.

I am a greek australian, when the turks invaded cyprus all the greeks cracked it at america for not helping them. Apparently the us wanted to put bases in cyprus but the greeks wouldnt let them, when they found out the turks would let them put bases they just sat there and watched.Do you blame the u.s I dont.

When any country is in trouble who does everybody run too, the u.s look at kosovo...did they have oil?

The U.s have long been seen as the police of the world when any county is in trouble.

If I was president of the U.s I would have just taken over the world as they are an unpreciative bunch. The only reason they dont is its easier to manage most of the other countries through economics.

Look at the New zealanders they hate the u.s but if the indonesians invaded australia and the U.s didnt come to help, New zealand wouldn`t stand a chance.

Last half is good but the rest is dribble. I cant belive religious people, you dam & condem anyone who doesn't follow and abide by or belive in an unfounded unprooven fairytail. If you choose to belive in it good on you, hanging sh*t on those who don't :spoton: ...

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If you aetheist are wrong you will all burn in hell.

Talk about jumping to conclusions....wonder how wars start? :B):

"IF" is not saying "YOU SHOULD" or "I HOPE YOU DO" :spoton: And the irony is if you're a non-believer then there would be no hell, yes? So what have you got to get your panties all twisted over?

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Does the Dyslexic atheist lay in bed at night and think "There is no Dog"?

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ive actually done time in an irish prison , no really

So...... because they're Irish it doesn't matter that you suck it and take it up the arse.

They don't know the difference :outahere::ermm::snf (11):

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Ever seen how much explosives it takes to bring down a normal sized building, precision work at it's best. You dont randomly slap a few sticks of dynamite in there and the whole show falls over, it takes months to plan something like this probally a year with buildings so large. A large percentage of the structure is normally removed to aid in the collapse. The biggest factor in the trade center collapse was the burning jet fuel & the design of the structure itself.

As to why it happened, we'll never know. Plenty of good ideas why it happened, other than being a true terrorist attack the yanks doing it themself to prop up their slowing econemy to stop or prevent what has happened in the last 12 months sounds like one of the most likely secenarios.

well why couldnt it have been a planned explosion? that's more likely than jet fuel bringing down a building of that size especially when it hit the building that high up it wouldnt have been able to weaken the supports at the bottom of the building and bring it down. The yanks did it to justify their invasion of the Middle East and grab for oil. Every war they have launched in the past 7 years has been based on lies and false threats.

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