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Chat And Spotted In Canberra

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  • Member For: 12y 1m 19d

Besides my plates end in 6T for obvious reasons :D

lol mine still has N.S.W plates waiting for the rego to run out before I change my plates to A.C.T. As you can see from my picture though I have stock wheels bonnet protecters and head light protecters so grandpas car but I like it protects it. Got a little scared though the other day the wife had to go to a funeral down the coast so she took the XR for its first spin down the Clyde Mountain she said it went great with a big smile on her face.

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Lol don't worry it's a good thing if the wife loves it!! Mine does and it definitely helps with approvals ;) mines gotten the car sideways on her way to work lol.

I ran my nsw rego all the way out too, definitely a good idea.

I Ain't got none of the protectors, but since I do a lot of kms I've got the rock chips to prove it. At least no grandpa effect though ;) gettin all the chips repaired soon anyways.

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  • Member For: 12y 1m 19d

Btw watch out for the dreaded brake shudder, a trip down the Clyde is enough to do it. If it has then its DBA 4000 T3 time .... Or machine the rotors.

Its shudders at high speed I noticed that coming back from Sydney the other week. It was an animal just wanted to keep going with no problems. I was impressed to say the least.

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Yeah u hit the speed limit on the highway easily in 3rd and that's when it's just warming up and just starts begging to keep going, definitely know the feeling. 160-170 at Wakefield is fun, hit 4th on the straight :D

Yeah brake shudder is very off putting, especially at highway speeds. Good feeling once sorted though, DBA 4000 t3s with some good pads and brake fluid and you'll be amazed at the difference!!

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  • Member For: 12y 1m 19d

I didn't need to pull up in a hurry as there wasn't anyone around me but did notice it when I did apply the brakes. So then I just eased of the brakes and let the car slowly pull itself up.

I was talking to my brother the other day and he does some computer work for an oil engineer. He gave him 5 litre's of oil that he engineered for some racing teams. Apparently it makes the oils we all buy look stupid. Was told that you can get over 30 thousand kms out of it and it will still look as new as the day it went in when they drain it. I am going to try and get some. Here is hoping anyway, my Bro did say he should be able to get it for me though.

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  • Member For: 12y 8m 19d
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  • Location: Canberra

My cars got a bit of brake shudder :( gunna have to look into new brakes :/

You guys are insane letting the missus' drive the car :P I dont even let my dad drive mine (and he owns a 08 GT-P)

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