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Chat And Spotted In Canberra

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Ive been out and talked to the guys there before haha, and my works Data Center is in Fyshwick so I see one of the guys around there a lot.

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1 word: Dayum

That thing looks like a freaking beast! I dont think I've seen it, but if I do, I now know not to try initiate anything with it haha

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Hi guys and girls im new to the forums the is my second post. Thought that I would post in here considering I live in Canberra. I just picked up my fg xr6t 2010 model build on december 31 2010 lol so almost 2011. Its in the colour nitro not my first choice but my wife loves the colour and it was the compromise I needed to take to get the turbo model I wanted. Im pretty sure the car is stock but damn it goes like a damn rocket love the performance, it puts a smile on my face everytime I squeeze the excelerator.

I am thinking about doing some mods to the car but only minor mods. Wondering who you guys recommend around canberra, most likley a basic flash tune and replacement of the cat converter ect ect.

Anyway the Name is Daniel and my rego is actually NSW for now have around 8 months before I change it over unless I can get some sort of change over fee or something from the gov shop front for my existing rego on the car. Anyway rego number is BZC74N give us a wave if you see me. :asciidity:

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Hey Daniel, welcome to the forums :D

Congrats on the buy! Nitro has to be the best colour on the FG's! Also extra points for convincing the missus :P haha

I'd highly recommend Gentech Performance. They're based in Mitchell. The service is amazing there and the after sales help is awesome,

Talk to a guy by the name of Kit, he knows FG's inside and out.

I'd keep your rego until it runs out, I tried when I bought my G6E Turbo and they wouldn't do it.

Are you based on North or South Canberra? Im based in Belconnen.

I'll keep an eye out for ya :D

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Hi mcinnes Im a southside person but work at fyshwick so might see you around. Thanks for the info on the rego. LOL when I put the foot down when I was test driving the car the mrs almost had a heart attack at the speed and I didnt even give it much lol. I actually know of a person who works at Gen Tech in Mitchell, Nathan is his name he is part of my step sons family funnily enough. Was checking out there prices before seem to be a little exy in price though.

I am by no means a car expert and I wont pretend I know as much as the next person about them either, and to be honest I really can't do much to my car anyway being that it is still under warranty and my wife insisted that we get the extended warranty with the car as well. So 4 years to go before I can consider doing any major mods anyway. I am impressed with the performance how it is anyway. I went for a cruze out the back of tharwa the other day with a couple of mates in the car and we did some tests with the car to see how it would perform. I guess what most impressed us all was the fact that we could get from 0 to 100 kmh in a standing start position with 4 adults in the car in just under 6 seconds, damn why do you really need to upgrade. For a stock car well I am assuming that it is stock that's pretty impressive. Over all I am impressed with the car love the look and love the performance overall its a great car. I keep having to find a reason to leave the house so I can take it for another drive lol.

Is there any other places in Canberra or Queanbeyan area that anyone could recommend for flash tuning ect ect for my car?

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the dark side of Canberra ey? :P haha

My works Data Center is in Fyshwick so there's a good chance you will haha

Yea their prices are a bit expensive :/ but I counter weighted that with the fact I'd trust them with my car and to help me out if something went wring with it.

You also have the LSD in those things so you get a nice smooth launch with minimal wheel spin (or im assuming this)

I'd say try ESP Racing in Queanbeyan. I looked at them before I went to Gentech, but the distance to get there and back was too extensive (and the guy I talked to didn't seem to know much) but there are other guys on the forums who have been there and had no issues.

Try find a tuner your comfortable with. Take a look around, ask around :)

I dont really know of any other places in Canberra that do it (there are more I just dont know who haha)

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Jesus... night shift much lol

Welcome to the forums mate, the nitro blue is an awesome colour! Brings a smile to my face every time, only think I hate is seeing all those na nitro xr6s getting around, sh*ts me to no end.. once I have money for mods I'm want to make her look different than every other na one getting around.

I'm probably going to go with gentech too when I mod, the other option for you is heading up to sydney because they have plenty of reputable ppl, but yeah then you have the hassle of the tuner being 3 hrs away, I reckon if you spend a lot of time in sydney its probably worth it otherwise just stay local, gentech seem to have plenty of 6Ts running around so they know they stuff.

It's good having the wife on side hey, mine loves our car too, happy for me to mod it and make it faster, louder, and safer, not always happy with my spirited driving but you get that.

We really do need to have a cruise now we have quite a few active ppl around now, still meaning to check out your car mcminnes too!

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