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Light Flutter Noise


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  • Member For: 16y 8m 17d

hey guys just thought I would ask I have I light fluttering noise when ever I get to 3000 rpm and up my bov has been blocked for a while now and it is a different flutter to what comes from the filter it does seem to have lost power any thoughts as I cant find the prob cheers jamie

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Did you check for splits in the hoses, they can be hard to spot sometimes.

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 17d

ok pulled every pipe off did a full check no cracks then noticed the exhaust manifold bolts were loose tightened them up all fixed I left the heat covers off for easy checks in the future is this ok or is there a purpose for them cheers jamie

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apart from helping with... heat? lol maybe double check your bov and vac hose is still blocked up alright?

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 2d

Heat sheilds reduces heat radiating to your intake pipes and alike, however your turbo needs an effective cooling system or else the sheild will trap heat in your turbo.

Does this noise happen when you snap off throttle or when building up revs

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