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Airflow To Radiator?


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theres so much more in the theory side of things, all I can say is google tube and fin, and also bar and plate and reaserch the tpoic yourself theres a wealth of information out there in this world wide web.

look at the application you are going to use the car for and make an informed choice not just hear say about what my cousins mate said.

heres some other pics.

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I had mine at the track and after 4 laps light on the dash and chiming. I have over 300kw and a big cooler with low temp thermostat. I would be interested to see how your new radiator goes as I intend to buy one before I go to the track next. I would like to see some tests before I lash out a grand.

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I had some massive coolers on mine, both bar & plate and tube & fin and never seen the needle past 11oclock so I dont think its really a concern for a street driven car with a good working cooling system.

Though, its worth noting that a cooling system that isnt working at 100% may show up hotter if you put a big intercooler in front of it... so if your needle goes up, id get the cooling system checked/flushed ect.

About half way through this vid on my car at Wakefield raceway, you can just see the temp guage sitting alittle under half... this was a really hot summers day, about 4 hours into an open track day so Id already given the car a massive massive flogging around the track.

On that day it had a 600 x 400 x 90 cooler on it -- HUGE intercooler totally covering the radiator, with no dramas :secret:

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We have been testing similar rads for over ten years .

We use similar rads on all our curcuit cars , incl our curcuit 600 hp Turbo S2000 , and an endurance 12 hour 500 hp RX7 we sposored . We have been building these for years and know what works .We can also tailor an XR6 radiator to your needs ie curcuit .

Basically the surface area is more than doubled . All oem gear bolts straight on incl air con.

On turbo curcuit cars , the biggest problem is the air flow through the intercooler , hense our external louvered design on our cores . Thicker cores will flow air , but at a much more restricted rate . Street use does not show up bad air flow as much as curcuit application does . When curcuit racing , following a car in front closely hampers air flow to radiator . A lot of factors come to mind when designing a complete system for best all round performance . Some of the above reasons is why we at Plazmaman have chosen our core style for street based Xr6s and build complete competition systems .

Edited by plazmaman
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Anything you put in front of the radiator will mean it's going to run "hotter". I don't mean it will run at higher temps or overheat, just that it will get temp quicker and probably recover slower. that's what I experienced when I put my big IC on. It still recovered once you got going though.

I've just put in a 180 high flow thermostat and got the fans adjusted in the tune. They come on 15c earlier and man does it run cooler and recover a lot quicker. With the temps Melbourne has had this week, it's been awesome. Normal driving is about 1-2 needle thicknesses above 1/4. After a bit of spirited driving, it only rises 1 or 2 needle thicknesses and recovers almost instantly because the big fans come on accordingly.

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yeh mine sits a couple of needles below half way after a bit of hard driving....maybe im just being paranoid coz it used to sit closer to 1/4 way! But ive got my 180deg thermostat so I just need to install it! Also looking for a air deflector/splash tray ive been calling around the ford wreckers but no1 seems to do BAs! So if anyone knows somewhere I can get one just hollar at me :hay:

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