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How Do I Know If My "premium Sound Is Rooted"?


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Thanks everyone, a big help.

I now believe that mine is stuffed, no doubt. Will go back to Ford but still considering if it's worth upgrading the componenets myself. that's said,

I have heard many times that it is the DECK itself that is sh1itting itself...?? Everone says, do not bother upgrading this or that because the head unit/deck is poor in output quality....?

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after saying how good mine goes the other day.. I turned it on on friday randomly while sitting in the car, and the only speaker that would go was the sub.. lol...

turned it off, and on again, and it was back to normal, and not a problem since... but very odd.. wouldn't surprise me if its the icc causing everyone problems..

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Guys - when the sound is no longer heard, check that you dont have the power limiting setting, set to on...

This may cause some of the lack in sound. Having said that - the power limiting is there to attempt in protecting the speakers in the event where it is turned up to loud and detects high levels of distortion. (set at 10% thd which is a hell of a lot of distortion)....

Regarding the head unit) ICC itself - as a 'source' component (CD player) it is not bad at all, all it will be doing is decoding the disc and throwing the signal down the line to the rest of your gear - as much or as little as you upgrade....

I have only had mine for about 3 weeks, and it is going to have a few changes made...

* Speakers (Most likely Bostons in).

* Sub - (Prob a JL, or dual voice Boston or similar).

* Amps - (Soundstream, JL, or Boston maybe not sure whats currently out there)

* Prob run a few line boosters, and filters just to clean up the signal from the head unit if it is needed. Will see how we go.

* Some cable upgrades as needed.

* Following step two will be a AV box, with a 'real' Ipod adaptor, maybe a dvd player under the seat and RCA's run into the rear of the ICC so we can watch dvd's on the dash...

Nothing compared to past cars I have done but hey... all in all nice little up grade from the stock gear...

:nuts::unsure: :auto: :biggrin:

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rather than in line boosters etc, try trhe new amps I am looking at, the new alpine digital range take the speaker line in, convert it "better" than even a bought signal converter or any in line converter and then amplify the "clean" signal, or that's the pitch...New JL amps apparently do the same.

Your thoughts?

see linek http://www.alpine.com.au/technology/pdx.asp

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You won't find video-in RCA's in the back of the ICC.

You have to do it through the satnav plug. The signal also has to be correct.

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While you guys are in diagnosis mode...

I seem to have lost most of the left channel in the iPod input (the Aux input with the preamp).

I have checked the CD player and FM found that the left channel is perfect.

I have tried other mp3 players and other input cables (in addition to input cable that comes with the retractable reel in the iPod kit) and found the problem persists.

The Aux in socket seems to be exceeding loose internally,


the preamp I understand is prone to failure (though not as frequent as like the sub woofer… I hope)

Any opinions?

The car is booked in for a repair, however I would prefer to have the problem essentially diagnosed before leaving the car with service to have a reasonable expectation of a one day fix.



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If the socket is as loose as you are alluding to, then I would say that's the source of your problem...

However if its getting booked in, the boys should be able to tell you rather quickly...

Just make sure its not the ipod or mp3 player (more to the point, not the recorded track you are listening to- im sure you have already done this, however just in case you havent try a different track as well as any you believe are the problem, and try it with a set of head phones)... if its still there, then its got to be the car...

Since you have tried different cables I would guess its the connection... (assuming it was working ok before hand)...

Hope this helps...

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Many thanks for the advice.

As a result the service department were able to quickly work through all the variables to isolate the problem to the iPod kit input plug, which in turn enabled them to justify ordering a new iPod kit as a warranty repair.

All fixed and working better than ever.



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btw- forgot to say.... How do I know if my "Premium sound is Rooted"

Have a look if there is weird creamy white coloured fluid coming out of your sub when its pumping!!!


Sorry just couldn't resist!!!

Glad to hear its getting all fixed!!!


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