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I have an uncle who owns a Expensive Daewoo service center, and another uncle who is dealer principle for a ford dealership. I have asked both of them this question before. holdens are apparently stock engine wise, but with better suspension and wider tyres. with the fords, like said before they have LSD, heavy duty suspension, bigger alternator, but some BF turbos come with a different tune from the factory, which can be identified by an extra sticker on the door. depending on state and department, these tunes are wiped before being sold to public while some are kept. this is usually the same case with the cars they realease to press.

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I'm sure someone would be here shortly saying it's not true and that car's are stock except for bigger alternator.

But most police cars, both fords and Expensive Daewoo look lower then stock. I know they carry a bit of gear in the car but it can't be that much.

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I have an uncle who owns a Expensive Daewoo service center, and another uncle who is dealer principle for a ford dealership. I have asked both of them this question before. holdens are apparently stock engine wise, but with better suspension and wider tyres. with the fords, like said before they have LSD, heavy duty suspension, bigger alternator, but some BF turbos come with a different tune from the factory, which can be identified by an extra sticker on the door. depending on state and department, these tunes are wiped before being sold to public while some are kept. this is usually the same case with the cars they realease to press.

I dont doubt there are some differences from State to State but there are some pearler myths going round.


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I heard in some states they run superchargers that can be turned on and off by a red push/pull switch fitted to the gear shifter?

im sure I saw that somewhere.

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hahahaha ms700. I spoke to my uncle again today, and the way he knows is because recently they have had bf turbos comming in to be worked on, but the cars computers block them connecting to it. they had to ring ford and they told them to check if their was an extra sticker on the door. the three they have had this happen to, two were ex highway patrol, and one was ex ford exec, which had been used to loan to media when the bf was released.

I have also seen another story with a guy who has a bf turbo from the east, whos car also used to be a media release car, who had this same story.

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