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Renting An Xr6t


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Hi all. This is my first post here - so go easy.

I recently found out (last week) that my missus has secretly had a bit of a crush on the BA/BF falcons. This comes as a complete shock as she doesn't really care about anything car related, PLUS she knows how keen I am on Falcons.

She has even decided to sell the Toyota Echo buzz box and upgrade to a "real" car. She has pointed out the BA/BF shaped falcon, but unfortunately the base XT, and she has also said she didn't want mags/spoiler/any fancy stuff.

However, her lack of knowledge has its advantages, and I've been able to show her plenty of XR6T's, and she's happy with the look (minus the cosmetic stuff I mentioned). Our problem, and the reason for this thread, is that we really want to rent one of these things for a week or two to see if it suits our lifestyle. I already know it will suit mine (I'll adjust to suit it!), but my better half travels 80km to work every day, plus I do a fair bit of travelling myself. Also need to tow the bike trailor around too, so we need to compare real life fuel economy etc.

Does anybody know a reputable business where we could rent one of these beasts?

Thanks in advance,


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I dont think anyone rents XR6t but I am sure you can rent a XR6 NA, It will give you the feel of the car just not the power.

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72 is right, Hertz rent XR6's, but you will need to specify this is the car you want.

Nobody rents Turbos as they are a high risk of getting a flogging. I know I would rent a T and thrash it every time I needed a renta car.

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Doesnt make that much difference in life style choices either, the only thing the T's add is a big arse grin on the driver and maybe a box of diapers for the passengers.....

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Thanks for all the replies guys. I did think about car abuse/rentals before I posted up, but I also know of a fair few prestige rental companies (Granges, Porsche, Ferrari etc etc) and thought there might be someone with XR6T's floating around. I can only imagine how hard they would be driven as a rental...... :tonguepoke:

Chances are that if I can convince her to go for an XR6T, she'll find an NA XR6 and buy it without my opinion being even considered. That happened last time she bought a car (Toyota Echo), but you can only stay angry for so long I spose.

Leave it with me, I'll do some more hunting and see if I can find something.

Thanks heaps!!!


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maybe ring around and find out if any of the do have a T for you to hire. The main lifestyle change I think will be forgoing the extra cash for petrol, the T will obviously drink much more than the echo.

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I remember when I went in to buy my first BA XR6 Falcon Ute. was going to be a work ute so the turbo wasn't even a consideration cause of the extra $$$$ my wife wanted me to buy an SS ute and she was pretty unsociable at the ford dealership...... then salesman trick no 1,

Salesman: have you been for a drive in a new BA Falcon Darling?

Wife: No, I much prefer to drive the SS Ute

Salesman: Go on, just have a drive whilst your here...... ??????? there you go, take this one out the front here for a drive...... (wife hops in)

Me: (once car was fired up) hang on mate...... this doesn't sound like a standard XR6 to me... is this thing a TURBO?

Salesman: Do you want you wife to get over this Expensive Daewoo phase mate or what? Shut Up and "LET ME PUT A SMILE ON YOUR WIFE'S FACE"

End result... we (I) bought the B/A Falcon and have since been hooked..... when it came time to trade it on my F6, my wife left it all up to me !!!!

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Good surname.

Old people here at work call me Coxy from the Roxy. I mean, what the f*ck is that? lol

( You don't have to explain, I know now who he is )

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Dunno where you are from but this is as close as you will get.

Also, you dont buy a Turbo for its fuel economy.

I do a 70K round trip to work each day between 6:45 and 7:30 and get about 420k's from a tank using Vortex 98.

In the turbo's they are limited to 1600kg towing capacity unlike the base models which have 2300kg capacity but I could be wront.

Either way if you are just using it to tow some bikes around it will do it easy.

Cheers & :3gears:


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