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Got Some Headsex...


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  • Member For: 18y 6m 11d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Well I got my headsex tune, hmm a week or 2 ago, but havent had the time to get it on a dyno. Well today is my birthday and I took the day off, as you do, and decided to see how much power its making..

Danny told me when tuning that my actuator cant hold the boost and was managing around 13-14 psi max and then dropping off.. He also told me, basically to put my wog cooler in the bin hehe. He also reckoned that I would have arount 240rwkw just by the seat of the pants feel...

Well Danny was spot on.. First and best run, it made 243rwkw's, as the car got hotter, second run 230ish rwkw and final run 213rwkw's... Its also hot in melb today at around 30 plus deg, no excuses the cooler is crap..

Boost was around 12-13 psi and then just dropped to around 10..

To me dyno figures dont mean much, if the car puts a smile on my face, when I gun it, or even scares me than im happy. Where the car is right now im really happy with it, im lovin the sounds and everythings effortless. I dont like how the power dropps off so easily, so the actuator and cooler are my next upgrades.. I'd be happy with 280rwkw's I think. Stock this car was the most powerful thing I've driven lol..

Thanks Danny... Oh yer I'll be needing your services soon, one of my doors doesnt lock LOL..

Oh yer anyone in Melb who want cheap dyno runs go to MK Automotive, $55, thanks for the headsup whistler6...

MK Automotives printer was crapping itself so after trying a few times it only managed the following printout, but yer you can see all 3 runs etc...

Cheers Mike..

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 18y 6m 11d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Thanks San... I was just in you tube and came across the vid of your car.... Bloody awsome dude, sound sik..

2 FREE plugs in one post..... :blink:

Whoops.... is that not allowed?

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