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Reverting To A Factory Tune


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  • Member For: 20y 6m 12d
  • Location: Darwin

OK I must be having a bad day..

I'm not referring to the logs.

To pose it in a simpler way:

Let's say I have the ECU flashed with an 8psi tune. I flash it back to factory tune. Is it possible that there are still some remnants of the 8psi tune in the ECU - I.e. something to do with boost, fuel, timing that is not reverted fully back to its factory maps.

There are only two possibilities

a) I have a mechanical problem - I.e. fuel pump, filter, plugs, coil packs that is causing the pinging- nothing to do with the tune. This makes sense because it happens on the factory tune.

b) I don't have a mechanical problem, but when I flash back from 8psi to factory, the factory settings are not completely being overwritten, it might still be running too much timing from the 8psi tune that was not reverted to factory completely. This would explain pinging even on the stock tune. I find this highly unlikely, but am just trying to gauge if it is at all a possibility - but obviously explaining myself poorly.

Edited by adamw
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  • Member For: 20y 6m 12d
  • Location: Darwin

Thanks.. if that's the case I will have to hunt harder for this mechanical problem. Since it could be fuel pump related (although unlikely) I might have to push Ford to replace the pump with a new one (apparently BF2's came with a potentially faulty model?)

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id be looking at the crank angle sensor.

throttle position sensor.

fuel blockage as u said.

possibly the solonoid wd40 job

any vacum leaks

blocked cat from added heat from the edit.

bent rod, a bit extreme, hows the idle rough,

theres so many things it could be, good luck mate I hope u find the problem.

have a try at removing the battery over night.

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Mate in my case my car was originally tuned with a powerchip, now when I edited my car the powerchip tune beacme the F slot tune and what is refered to as the stock tune (which it is not).

That cannot be overwritten or reset unless I go to Ford and get them to overwrite my ECU with a stock tune, and I loose a life on my edit box and start all over again.

To answere your question, yes your car unmodified is pinging on a stiock tune, it is an issue and should be resolved by Ford, they will however try to get out of it.


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  • Member For: 20y 6m 12d
  • Location: Darwin

So I took the car in today and got it back with the following comments

"The calibration was wrong. It was calibrated for unleaded and now we've calibrated it for PULP".

It sounds vague, and probably meaningless. It sounds like they did nothing? Anyone able to comment?

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If the calibration was set for unleaded their is no way it should ping if your using premium. If they have set it to pulp it would be more likely to ping now as the fuel and ignition tables would now be suited to the better fuel.Maybe you have just had a bad bunch of fuel which can take a few tank fulls to get rid of. Try disconnecting your battery for more than 10 mins to reset everything and try a different servo for 98 octane fuel.

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