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Removal Of Turbo In Preperation Of Porting And Valve Mod


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If you are keen you could possible use a nut breaker and split the nut to get it off or hack saw the side of the nut off if you don't have one. You will need to replace the stud afterwards if you do either of these.

if you can't get to the last nut you might need to remove your manifold first.

As for getting studs out without damage them you need to use two nuts locked together and use the second lower nut (closest to item stud is in) which binds against the top nut to get them out, if you are lucky they will come out other wise you will need to weld something to them and get new studs. I always replace my studs if they come out, same with any gaskets etc. old stud's which are around heat are always bad news e.g turbo studs, exhaust studs. low temperature studs like studs on intake manifolds can usually be reused once or twice successfully.

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Managed to get the sucker out this weekend, with a bit of help from an arc welder...I had to take the manifold off, but that's no biggie.

The double nut trick worked great on those studs (thanks SILK for the tip), I found that some were fairly loose.

Is there any problem replacing the studs with bolts?? It just seems that bolts would make life easier here and I noticed that on mrmackie's original post he's got bolts for the turbo to dump pipe assembly.

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Hey mate, sorry for the late reply I only saw your question today. Even though you have yours off already, what I did was put the best fitting size 14 ring spanner on the nut and just whacked the absolute hell out of it with a gimpy, I hit it so hard that I normally would be scared to round the nut.

Only reason I decided to whack the hell out of it, was because I already had the manifold undone and I thought if I round the nut, who cares its all coming out of the car anyway! So the moral of the story, is dont be shy, give it a bloody big hit, and worst case if you round the nut, you can take the turbo out with the manifold anyways :P

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I did this on Saturday and followed the basic process. However I ended up taking the dump pipe off completely, then removing the heat shield over th engine mount in order to access the turbo support bracket. I removed the 2 bolts for this support bracket and then removed the manifold and turbo as I unit. Did this because I couldn't get the studs out. I'll replace all bolts, studs and gaskets to be on the safe side.

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thanks for the tips. Some butcher from a ford dealership ( dont know which one so im not slandering anybody here ) had a go at the car before I got it. They have bolted the bracket that supports the turbo to the engine to the turbo itself yet I notice in your pics you just undid the turbo bolts and it just fell away, no such luck for me, I had to remove the exhaust manifold. Where does this support bracket usually bolt to ? were they correct ? does yours not have one ? HELP PLEASE !!!!

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Hi VULPES, welcome mate. Mine was the same man, I took off the whole assembly anyway so it was no big drama. I think its a good idea, if ALL your turbo to manifold bolts come loose/off, your turbo wont go anywhere.


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