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500hp Cars And Teenagers.. Interesting Story From An M5 Forum...


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100% agree, why not make it law for new drivers to attend DriveSafe training before giving them their licence!!?

cost, kids wont pay for it and niether will the government

practicality, where are you going to hold all these training days that would be required?

and throw in the argument that they can lead to over confidence and there is your answer.

personaly I think driver training should at the very least be subserdised by the govenment, you may want to do a driver training day at 18 until you see the cost. $200 is alot of coin for a 17-20 yr old for one days driving!

I went to a driver training several years ago (brake and avoid) and everybody bar for me was there because there employer payed/required them to do it for OH&S. That means out of the 30+ people who were there on the day probably only 2 actually paid for the day out of there own pocket..

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  • Location: NOONAMAH, go figure.....

OK forgetting the human reasons for why fatalities are bad....

What's the cost of a fatality?

Police, Ambulance, ensuing legal fees, compensation...

In the mining industry, a fatality could easily cost over 1 million,

cost per crash figures indicate each one costs us 1.7Million dollars!

~150 fatalities occur every year, this figures at ~225M dollars cost to the taxpayer...

there are ~30,000 new drivers on the road each year, if training these people at say $400 each

results in just a 10% drop in road fatalities, we've saved 13 million a year!

Why won't the govenment do anything? Because these scumbag lying self interested parasites

KNOW that

A: It won't generate an immediate income result, it's a long term solution.

B: The bigger killer is the condition of the roads again, this costs money to fix and is a long-term solution.

C: So long as people are dying they can justify every b@stard revenue raising tactic by pointing at the road toll,

the real thorn here is that it's cheaper to stop the crashes than collect the fines, but, fines = money now, cost saving = money later.

Let's see what Krud does, my bet is business as usual as our roads run with blood

P.S if you can afford a car, then $200 isn't a big ask for the privilege of driving it.

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How about that bloke in the yellow twin turbo Ginotto V8 thingo going down opposite way of the dragway for a demonstration run, hitting the wall at the end of the track cause he couldn't pull the thing up and killing himself.

He graduated to big power very quickly and it bit him on the backside.

im sorry but bullsh*t!! todd wilkes had been in the HP industry for quite a while building cars such as the TT VS Ute "The Judge"

he was an experienced drag racer who died in an "accident"

look at the guy in the clipsal 500, his 4th V8 Supercar race, been racing since he was 14 professionally and he hit a wall and died.

Its a mixed pot, when your ticket comes up is anyones guess.

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I'l just say I feel MUCH MUCH safer in my high powered turbo car then I ever felf in my EF coon box

older cars are just moving death box's imo as the safety features are crap,the handlings crap the whole car is just crap.

but now P platers are bassically forced to jump straight into these low powered older cars for a few years while they wait until they can buy the car they really wanted originally.

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Tragic accident Todd Wilkes at just 29 y/o. You can still have alot of experience with high powered cars and drag racing and it can still bite you on the bum. I followed every magazine article about Todds build ups and from my memory one year he was putting out 500ATW and then the following year it was around the 1000ATW. I will stick to my analysis of it with absolutely no disrepect to anyone.

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I'l just say I feel MUCH MUCH safer in my high powered turbo car then I ever felf in my EF coon box

older cars are just moving death box's imo as the safety features are crap,the handlings crap the whole car is just crap.

but now P platers are bassically forced to jump straight into these low powered older cars for a few years while they wait until they can buy the car they really wanted originally.

that's the point you feel safe, drive and older car and you learn respect or it will bite. Anyone wholearns to drive in vehicles with all the mod cons may get by if the never decide to push the boundries. Those that have been in understeer, oversteer, and any othr plethora of frightening conditions in older cars with out all the mod cons are better prepared should they happen again in a modern car where these things can still happen, but at much higher speeds.


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I dunno about that

I prefer a stable car at 100kph rather then a old car that gets the death wobbles lol

old crappy cars are certainly capable of high speeds aswell and any 1.6l+ can hit over 150kph

its all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Yeah but it takes you a good ten minutes to get there.

I agree with what your saying though, I feel much safer in the T over the old VL. That low down torque has got me out of trouble plenty of times :bangcomputer:

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Ok I'll try pull this back on topic....

Young guy with money buys very very powerfull car, goes for joy ride with mates, doesn't know the limitations of his own driving ability, does something stupid and kills himself and his mates....

I feel sorry for his family and anyone else that has had to go through something like this, but it is happening far to often...

There must be some way to fix it. More limitations on what young people can and cant drive? I really don't know. Accidents happens I think most of us have been in one or more but im sure this could have been prevented.

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More limitations on what young people can drive? He stole the car! I don't think he gave a sh*t about what he could or couldn't drive. Mabey if his old man took him out in the car and showed him what it can do and how dangerous power can be it might of helped more.

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