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FG Falcon Is Here!


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The new Falcon? Mostly irrelevant…

Posted on February 18th, 2008 in Driving Emotion, Ford, Opinion by Julian Edgar Yesterday Ford took the wraps off the new FG Falcon.

New Australian developed and built cars come along only very rarely; Ford took the unusual step of releasing the car on a Sunday so that it could gain precious free airtime on the Sunday night TV news and in the Monday papers.

Away from my home base, I watched the Sunday night Channel Nine TV news in Adelaide with interest. How breathlessly and non-critically would they report the release of the new car?

The report was relatively short but it was what followed that had me gobsmacked.

Immediately after the report on the Falcon finished, the Nine news moved straight to a segment on the booming sales of the hybrid Toyota Prius, and the way in which some individuals are now converting their cars to battery electric power. The station interviewed several Sydney electric car enthusiasts and presented a glowing report on the cars. Phrases like ‘fuel economy’, ‘greenhouse gas emissions’ ‘oil consumption’ and ‘cost to run’ sprinkled the report.

The juxtaposition couldn’t have been a bigger slap in the face for Ford: even the dimmest viewer could not have missed the implicit comparison.

Today, on the Monday after the Falcon’s release, my emailed News.com.au update doesn’t have a single mention of the new Falcon.

Imagine how different the news reports would have been if Ford had released a car with breakthrough fuel economy and lower greenhouse gas emissions. A turbo diesel engine, or a downsized six cylinder turbocharged to gain efficiency.

Instead we have launch control - and even more power, torque and weight. Oh yes, and a fuel consumption improvement that is nominal to say the least.

It’s very hard to believe that the Falcon will not go the way of the Mitsubishi 380 – and for much the same reasons. High quality engineering directed in completely the wrong direction, aiming at a target that started to move a decade ago and has now gone…


At the end of the article non-members can make posts as I did.

1. This Edgar idiot doesnt realise that Falcon is still in the top 10 of vehicles, it still sells very well! Its % share has gone down over time, but so what, its still in the top 10!

2. Ford are selling what we want! Not what JEdgar wants. If there was a fuel efficient 2.5L 6cyl in the Falcon I wouldnt buy the f*cker!

3. Edgarr is an idiot.

4. The BG XR6T is more fuel effic than the BF.

5. The demise of the 380 will see some of their buyers go to Falcons, Aurions and commodores I reckon.

6. Edgur is an idiot.

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Also, did anyone notic the new hard tonneaus are now alot flatter? Hopefully better vision, cos the bulge is shocking to see around!

Still a disgusting piece of crap with the overhang it's got.... :censored:

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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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Autospeed in the last year or two has really jumped on the ECO/economy band wagon, they are all about Hybrids and diesels now.

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So wheres the backlash about the 6.3L AMGs and 8.0L V10 Vipers??? I reckon if edgar had an opinion on those it would go some thing like this...

"The new AMG's colossal 6.3L bent 8 is far from in keeping with the eco friendly nature of the current show car circuit, but with power, grunt and noise like this - WHO CARES?!"

It's not all about power with new falcon - the engines use less fuel and produce less harmful emissions than ever before, Edgar needs to pull his head out of his arse - obviously where he got his opinion from - and try and report less like a tabloid gossip queen and put things into perspective.

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:gooff: The perspective I get from that article is that he's canning the media and giving Fud a pat on the back.....or is it that I just dont have my criticism glasses on..... :nerd:

Or am I missing yet another chance to sledge Edgar.....

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Imagine how different the news reports would have been if Ford had released a car with breakthrough fuel economy and lower greenhouse gas emissions. A turbo diesel engine, or a downsized six cylinder turbocharged to gain efficiency.

Instead we have launch control - and even more power, torque and weight. Oh yes, and a fuel consumption improvement that is nominal to say the least.

It’s very hard to believe that the Falcon will not go the way of the Mitsubishi 380 – and for much the same reasons. High quality engineering directed in completely the wrong direction, aiming at a target that started to move a decade ago and has now gone…

He's bagging ford for making an effiecient and powerful engine, and saying that there is no market for the family sized car anymore - c'mon dags, I'm gonna defend the product because I have to sell it, but I am genuinely excited about having this product to sell, ford have sat down and done some great things especially in such a budget driven market

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I can see that the value of the RSPEC's has just risen drammaticaly maybe I can sell it for more than I bought it for ....lol

Don't like the new fpv shape is bits a missing copy of the evo

engine seem spretty cool though

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You've quoted him out of context though Pat, in the first part of his article he's saying that he's 'gobsmacked' at the minimal coverage of a new Australian car and that they immediately followed up with a segment on a cheap import....

And the last part of what you've quoted is more fact than criticisms when it comes down to it....

Theres no doubting it will be a great car but as you yourself would see everyday the market has shifted from the large Aussie Icons....

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for me edgar is saying that ford have wasted their time because the new falcon is going to fail anyway, what happens if all of a sudden ford decide, oh well, this falcon thing isn't really working for us anymore, lets drop it and just make small cars...

The backlash would be massive! I agree he was saying that the comparitive stories are a stab at the large car market, but I think he supports this

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