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P-plater Passenger Bans In Vic


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P-plater passenger bans in Vic

6th February 2008, 12:09 WST

Probationary drivers in Victoria will be restricted from carrying more than one passenger in their age group under a new roads strategy.

Victorian Premier John Brumby has launched a government new "arrive alive" road safety plan that aims to cut the road toll by 30 per cent by the end of 2017.

It also aims to cut the number of serious injuries on the road by 30 per cent.

From July 1, P-plate drivers will no longer be able to carry more than one passenger aged between 16 and 21 for the first year of the licence at all hours.

Other measures will include a tougher focus on drink driving and a new program to give drivers the chance to redeem demerit points by undertaking a road safety program.

"Every family touched by tragedy on our roads is one family too many, so we must always strive for new and innovative ways to reduce the road toll," Mr Brumby said.

Victoria's peak motoring body has applauded the new laws to limit first-year drivers' right to carry young passengers.

The RACV has long been pushing for bans on P-plate drivers carrying multiple passengers and said the tougher rules would help cut the road toll.

RACV public policy manager Brian Negus said the legislation was an Australian first and would have an impact.

"The RACV's been advocating for a long time now for the P1 first-year P-plate restrictions, and we're delighted the government's picked it up," he told AAP.

"I think the overwhelming evidence we were able to present to the government finally convinced them this is the way to go."

Mr Negus said evidence showed P-platers in their first year of driving were three times more at risk when they had multiple passengers onboard.

And most drivers, including the young target group, supported the bans.

"Twenty-six per cent of the fatalities of first-year P-platers is with multiple passengers and only nine per cent of their driving is with multiple passengers," Mr Negus said.

"In our market research, young people have told us they would love to have a reason to say no to their mates. They know that having a whole lot of mates in the back, making a whole lot of noise and egging them on, is a real problem."

The RACV also welcomed mandatory electronic stability control and curtain airbags in new cars and more money for roadside hazards.

Mr Negus said the three initiatives would be key drivers in reducing the road toll.

He said the government's toll-reduction target was achievable.

"The 30 per cent target over a 10-year period compares with 20 per cent achieved over the last five years. It's a challenging target but with the new initiatives... the target shouldn't be beyond the achievement of the government."


Source : http://www.thewest.com.au/aapstory.aspx?StoryName=457188

What do you guys think?

Personally I think its sh*te, It totally screws the "Designated Driver" Apprach to parties, Clubs, And anywhere there is Alchohol. For a FACT, I know that when this rule is applied, people at my school, and other schools will drive even if they are drunk (bloody idiots), If they cant get a way home.

More people will be driving on the roads with this rule in place, And if they ARE drunk like I stated above, They could cause harm to other people on the roads, including themselves.

If they carpooled with friends, These kind of things can be prevented, that's my 2c

I get my P's in a few weeks, And ill be driving myself and three other people to TAFE for the rest of the year, So I can only drive them there until July, And have to kick out two of them?

Can anybody clarify if it applys to people like me, Who get their P's soon, If we are allowed to have Passengers up untill that date, OR is it only for people who get it from July 1st?

I really hope that it doesnt apply to people that allready have their P's, It just seems pointless in my views.

Let me know what you think.

Edited by SubJimbo
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I think it's a joke, they can't be serious lol

Sorry it's just pathetic lmfao

Sucks to live in Victoria ;\

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I just got off my p's which is lucky. I drive my bf and his work mates to and from the airport everytime they come home and go back to work all of em are under 21 and they dont have any family here which means they would have to catch a taxi costin them over $70 each way.

That is 1 bullsh*t law

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No strong opinion one way or another because the rotten apples that are bound to do some stupid things will do them with or without a passenger.

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they will also do the same regardless of any law.

there is too much emphasis put on punishment and restriction and not enough on training

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I think the idea is ok, but it should only be from 11pm until 5am, as this is the main time car loads of under 25's are getting killed.

It is also a knee jerk reaction, which it typical of any government.

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I'm 17 and get my license in August and saw this on the news to night, I think its stupid to put less people in cars because that means more cars will be on the road, Yes fair enough if the stupid kid does stupid things and takes himself out but what if he hits family filled car.

I think its just making more drivers on the road that could crash and injure or kill people and its putting more stupid kids with cars out on the road.

Also means more kids will jump in a car when under the influence because if they don't they might not be able to get home and around where I live taxi's never come.

Not much thought went into this stupid idea even the mother of a kid that died in an accident killing his friends also thinks this is a dud idea.

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I am actually for it, I am a big believer that driving is a privilage and not a right. Get through your P's and away you go. As for it being a knee jerk stop gap measure, I disagree it was conciwved by the RACV, now thes guys are actually pro motoring and have no revenue rasiing vested interest. Will be interesting to see what the long term outcome of this is.


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I think it is a good idea but restirct it to say midnight to 5am.

I think we had a few 4-5 person fatalities when only 1 car was involved last year and we all know what young guys drive like with a few mates in the car.

They need to introduce mandatory driver education classes and maybe even bring it into the schools (Year 10 & on) and show videos of people AFTER the accidents they survive. Kind of like shock tactics.

I heard that it worked for some poeple when that BODY PARTS museum thing came round.

Once the smokers saw what it did to people lungs, by seeing actual lungs of a dead person, some of them quit right there and then.

In the end the government will do as they please and we will all have to adhere to the rules.



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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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i just got off my p's which is lucky. I drive my bf and his work mates to and from the airport everytime they come home and go back to work all of em are under 21 and they dont have any family here which means they would have to catch a taxi costin them over $70 each way.

That is 1 bullsh*t law

Surely if they are working away they can afford a $70 taxi fee between them?

I agree with the idea. There are far too many single car accident with mulitple people injured/killed in this age group. I also agree that it should be more about driver training than punishment. But the government has try to do something to reduce the role in the meantime.

Im sure if the gov't made defensive driving courses mandatory we would be whinging about the cost/inconvience this would impose

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