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Car Stalls And Revs Dropping


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It all started on Friday.. On thursday I had valve springs and fuel pump fitted by Nizpro.. They showed me my old fuel pump and it had rust on it? They said that the car might run like a pig cause their might be some rust/dirt in the fuel...

The next day, the car when coming to a stop the revs dropped and the car stalled... Its happend a few times...

This problem has happened about a year ago, I cleaned the throttle body and that seemed to fix it then...

I've done the search and some one suggested to plant my foot on the accelerator and crank the car, this would reset some sensor or something... I tried that and the problem is still present...

This car is my daily driver and its getting dangerous with the car stalling in the middle of the road all the time... I need a quick fix.. The car is out of warranty also.. Could it be the TPS?? Or something else???

I'll give the throttle body another clean to see if that helps....

Any thoughts?

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see how you go with the throttle body clean, as the guys at Nizpro said, it will run like a dog if there is crap in the fuel, try and use it up and re-fill at a busy servo, this might give you a little cleaner fuel and could help the problem

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this might be a stupid question, but did you change the fuel filter?

I dunno if they did... Should they have, or should I have asked them to? Hmmm the car is going into HP-F this wednesday for an unrelated problem and a service so I'll get them to change the filter...

In searching the past threads on pretty much the same problem, I read somewhere that this can be tune related, an idle setting when the car is tuned can be altered.. The person in the particular thread said his idle was set at 450rpm, he had problems and then got it raised to 500 or 550 rpm by his tuner, and the problem was gone... Then I read about TPS, drilling holes in the throttle body, changing whole throttle bodys etc...

There is no easy fix, just a few options to look for I guess...

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Just cleaned the throttle body, inside the crossover and piping leading to the TB (as far as I could get my fingers into it)

Wasnt too dirty, had a bit of crud in the TB and some on the rubber joiner that connects it to the crossover and a lil bit of oil on that bit of piping...

Took it for a spin, didnt stall, revs did come as low as 500rpm and hovered around there... The car wasnt really that hot (that's when it really happens) I'll see after a longer trip tonight and see if it rears its head up again... I still think it will hapen again, I wanst too impressed on the lil drive I took...

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I was right... The car stalled twice tonight...

Can Ford check the computor for error codes whilst I still have my tune in?

The next thing to look at is the TPS...anyone know what a new TPS sensor is worth from ford?

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Tried something else today... I flashed the car back to standard, took it for a drive and whatta you know... Not the slightest sign of stalling or even revs dropping..

This leads me to believe that its got something to do with the tune perhaps...I read a post by robbin yesterday about rev settings in the tune, maybe that's whats happening.. But why happen mid last year, I clean the TB, its gone, and now its back. Flash back to standard and now its gone??

Im gonna leave the stock tune on till wednesday when HP-F take a look at it to see if todays drive was a 'fluke'...

Cheers Mike

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mika, my car has the same problem at this present time, I have worked out that it is the throttle body TPS. ive checked and fixed any other cause, the TPS is the only remaining item I havent fixed, so im 99.9% confident its the TPS. but in your case, luckily its fixed!

Edited by RIP'S_PATCHES!
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Hey PATCHES! Let me know how it goes... If my car still stalls with the factory tune, than im probably lookin at the TPS also...

Is you car still under warranty? If not do you know how much it will be to replace??

Cheers Mike....

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