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$890 To Tune With A Capa Box?


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like I told you Ajn contact me and I will give you 2 tuners that will give you as good or if not better tune for a lot less, from experience to

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Hi, what a can of worms this has opened! LOL,

My car is a 04 Stock as a rock ( no I lie ) I have jammed a POD on instead of the standard air filter & vented out the BOV to atmosphere

Surely this cant take a full day & $890! I mean I thought these specialists were meant to be the leaders in there fields! ........ IE they should be able to take a stock XR6T slap it on the Rollers jam the box in, upload & start the rollers going, FLUF me DRUNK! jeabers how long does that take?

ok, ok ok, I understand that there might be tweaking to do cos every car is different so another 7hrs and 35minutes???????????

or maybe they might play nicer music in the waiting room or impress you with there custom made "TEAM" sponsored work shirts. Or they might even just tell you how much more difficult and tricky it is than just plug n play.


but that's just my opinion. There are people out there who dont have to worry about money, who do live at home with MUM & DAD who can P*SS it up against the wall.

I have a mortgage & two kids, most of these performance items & tuners do attract the younger market and I feel they do take advantage of the more gullible , unsuspecting or inexperienced car enthusists.

but that's my two cents.


Well Bro, can of worms hey..and I know worms!!

Bruce Heinrick, Lonsdale S.A ....will point you in the right direction (preferably sideways of course) LOL

fit full set of valve springs,fit larger injectors, 3 custom tunes to an already modified xrt ... approx 200-400 cheaper than most profit orientated tuners to do 3 custom tunes alone,

Bruce can tune too .... a friend had 2 tuners in Adelaide get awsome 347rwkw out of BA GT ....with really bad detonation ,So he took it to Bruce luckily in time before he had to replace a new donk..unfortunately its not running 347rwkw any more ..but it will be running for many more years to come.

if you want well over 400 rwkw Bruce can do it (he has done it)

just my fiddy cents bro

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I'm sorry AJN but could you please tell me how you are qualified to comment on what it takes to tune a car?

It annoys me when people question the time and costs of something based only on what they think it should take without having any real knowledge of the process.

If you have those financial concerns maybe you shouldn't be modifying the car at all. $890 for 3 tunes is chicken feed compared to the repair bills modified cars can throw up at you without notice.

Adam, Mate, I think you must have left your window down while you where doing your last burn out, the air must be getting thin in your cabin mate.

just keep telling your self you didnt pay too much.........you might sleep better at night...

Yes you are correct ... I have only done a couple of turbo engine rebuilds in my life so I might not know as much as the bloke who has to go to all the trouble of plugging in the CAPA box, ( must take years of training )

As for cash flow, your right again..... I dont live at home with mum & I aint a dealer so almost $1000 for a tune is a bit rich for the normal bloke. ( by the looks of things you got money to burn!!! ) nice burn out by the way!

if you would like to prove to us all how cheap it is for a tune howz about we go halvs mate?


( your average paid Aussie bloke )


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Going nowhere but round in bloody circles, so....

Stop bleating and make your choice of tuner. You know what you get, you know what you pay. Make a call. You have the choice. :roflmbo:


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