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New Phone, Which One?


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I have been using a HTC TYTN2 for about 2 months and before that a TYTN1 (Dopod 838pro). It has a slide out keyboard and allows me to work remotely.

Checkout www.htc.com

Any phone that runs Windows Mobile 6 is great, WM5 sucked.

yeah in theory they are all brilliant devices, loads of software, I just hate the windows bit, the hardware has always been good, my xda iis has been thrown at walls, dropped, left in the rain, the hardware has held up great. I lost the stylus months ago and didnt bother replacing it I was so fed up with it though.

I just had a look at that phone, and my cousin just bought that same one, it looked great the screen flips up etc. but he took a few pictures and went to show me on the screen and it took ages for the thumbnails to appear and same with opening them.

What I would really love to do is be able to type my quotes and print them in the car, because I did two handwritten ones the other day that looked like a 5 y.o. wrote them out. ive got the worst handwriting.

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After dabbling with 2 Samsungs Ive gone back to Nokia...so Nokia dude!

l made the mistake of getting a Samsung A801, what a crap phone. My best effort killed the battery in 3 hours, typically it struggles to get through a day without charging. Thankfully our phone pimp is taking them back and swapping us at no cost in Sony Ericsson K850i's.

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yeah in theory they are all brilliant devices, loads of software, I just hate the windows bit, the hardware has always been good, my xda iis has been thrown at walls, dropped, left in the rain, the hardware has held up great. I lost the stylus months ago and didnt bother replacing it I was so fed up with it though.

I just had a look at that phone, and my cousin just bought that same one, it looked great the screen flips up etc. but he took a few pictures and went to show me on the screen and it took ages for the thumbnails to appear and same with opening them.

What I would really love to do is be able to type my quotes and print them in the car, because I did two handwritten ones the other day that looked like a 5 y.o. wrote them out. ive got the worst handwriting.


Tell your cousin to go to www.xda-develpoers.com and go to the Kaiser Upgrading section.

Download either the Dutty or Schaps cooked roms and he will notice a much faster PDA. I have been playing with mine for a long time and these update ROMs are the best way to have a fast and stable phone.

If you create a quote template in MS word or excel, you can just fill in the details on the TYTN2. If you need to do more typing get a full sized bluetooth keyboard. You can also print them out on a bluetooth printer all while in the car. You could even email it to them.

We are working with companies to be able to do everything for tradesmen including bluetooth EFTPOS and it is all sent back to your home PC as well.

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I have been using a HTC TYTN2 for about 2 months and before that a TYTN1 (Dopod 838pro). It has a slide out keyboard and allows me to work remotely.

Checkout www.htc.com

Any phone that runs Windows Mobile 6 is great, WM5 sucked.


I got one at the end of last year. Great phone and interfaces with Windows fine.

As far as the camera part goes, when I want to take a photo I use a real camera (like a Cannon EOS D1). Then again, in a pinch, the camera on the phone is pretty good.

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I've just got the LGU990, its a touchscreen phone and the touch system isn't too bad, you can use your finger/thumb, but they do provide a little retractable stylus for fiddly bits and editing messages. Overall I like the phone, looks good and is light

I'm not sure if it is this unit in particular or they are all the same, but the battery just dies as soon as it gets to about half way, yesterday afternoon I had 3/4 battery, then this morning it was dead when I got to work - very frustrating!

I'll take it back for a replacement next week if it doesn't change.

P.S. sorry for the hi-jack!

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that fone is so hot. be expensive. and being a sony erricson its reliable and it works.... unlike nokias

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ive had sony Ericsson's for the last 3 years but this time around I got myself a nokia n82. one of the better decisions of my life. nokia was slipping behind the crowd for a while but now they have caught up and there phones are debatebly the best on the market.

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