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New Phone, Which One?


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im about to buy a new phone and im tossing up between the P990i from sony, the e61i from nokia, or the blackberry curve.

im using it for business, mostly I need a good contact list system with the ability to input plenty of notes etc in the contacts, and some sort of spreadsheet so I can do my bookwork and quotes in it.

im using an xda iis at the moment, and I had an xda mini before that, ive had ipaqs and all sorts of windows things and im sick to death of them to be quite honest. sometimes you need to press the answer key 4 - 5 times before the operating system on the phone decides to wake up and allow you to answer the call. basically there too slow, and I want something fast, and efficient. ive looked at the new ones, and they look good in the shops and when you give them a hard reset, but when ever you put a few apps on them and start to actually use them, they run like sh*t.

anybody using either of the 3 phones ive mentioned?

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I've always been a motorola nancy. have just gone to a nokia N95, I <3 Bananas camera is awesome

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  • T.P.I.S.
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After dabbling with 2 Samsungs Ive gone back to Nokia...so Nokia dude!

I was in the same boat a month ago.

I had a Samsung D500 then a Samsung D600 but no I chose the Nokia 6500 Classic Black and never looked back. I love it.

BTW I never had a problem with the two samsung phones which I had for two years each.

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I'm using a Blackberry pearl and whilst its great for receiving e-mails with attachments and the phone part of it is great, it doesn't interface with windows very well with the exception of managing your Outlook files, contacts, notes, in box, sent items and the like.

our company's on field team all use blackberry and we have dedicated server in house some of the benefits are not available to single user I think.( Go have a look at www.blackberryforums and have a search around)

after using this type of phone for 4 years I would get some thing that runs mobile windows if I had a choice.

New Black jack, Nokia e61i, Motorola, you can get a fold up keyboard via bluetooth to make typing easier.

Good luck


P.S you will now be unable to hide.LOL

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I have been using a HTC TYTN2 for about 2 months and before that a TYTN1 (Dopod 838pro). It has a slide out keyboard and allows me to work remotely.

Checkout www.htc.com

Any phone that runs Windows Mobile 6 is great, WM5 sucked.

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I was in the same boat a month ago.

I had a Samsung D500 then a Samsung D600 but no I chose the Nokia 6500 Classic Black and never looked back. I love it.

BTW I never had a problem with the two samsung phones which I had for two years each.

I thought the Samsungs were quite good...HOWEVER their menus take 3 times as many clicks to do anything. Nokia software is 1000 times better, much more user friendly and intuitive. bloody Koreans got no idea how to write software - white man's magic I guess.

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after using this type of phone for 4 years I would get some thing that runs mobile windows if I had a choice.

yeah I know what your saying, im just so sick of the windows devices being slow, and ive never had cheap ones, ive always bought decent models, and I want to get rid of my laptop and desktop pc and buy a couple of macs as well, im seriously fed up with everything microsoft.

computers arnt really any more productive today than they were say 10 years ago.

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