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  • Member For: 17y 1m 4d

G'day all,

This is my first post on this forum, however I have been reading the forum for quite some time, and feel I should post my questions and get some answers from you lot!

I'm in the market for a ute. I'm coming from 4 years of driving quick, sporty, turbo cars, and need something that will tow my next project and the car trailer, total around 1500-1600kg. So I'm after a ute, with a turbo, something that is kinda sporty, and can tow my intended weight. I think the XR6T ute is going to fit the bill! I've got around $25k to spend, and I have seen alot of Mk1 BA's in this price range.

So, here's the list of questions. I hope I dont bore you all with a long post, but I do hope I can get some good info to help me with my purchase.

1) Any common problems with this car? I've heard about brake shuddering, handbrake sticking and making a whooshing noise, diff's being a bit noisy, etc. Are all these problems common throughout all cars, or only a select few I've managed to hear about? Are they easy to fix?? I am more than capable with tools in and around cars, having build several up myself now, I feel I can do most things (apart from engine & gearbox rebuilds as I've yet to try!) without any hassles.

2) Members who are towing, what do you tow, roughly how heavy is it, and how does the car go in terms of initial take off, fuel consumption, braking, stability at 110km/h with load, etc. How does it feel in general? Does it feel all good?? I have no doubt the motor is capable of pulling almost anything, but how does the rest of the car hold up, more importantly, the auto?? Do I need a trans-cooler fitted?? If so, any suggestions on what brand??

3) General performance when standard? 250kw and 450Nm is a bit of power, hows it go for fuel when driven nicely (if possible?)?? Does anyone get the redbook.com's values of 12L/100 around town and 8L/100 on freeway? They seem a little optimistic in my opinion, however I dont mind being told otherwise! Is the center muffler removal a "must" modification? I dont really want to modify this ute, as it's intended purpose is a stock daily driver with towing capabilities, but I'm not going to turn my back on simple and effective mods, as long as I dont need to re-flash the ECU or change anything mechanical, as I want this ute kept as stock as possible unlike every other car I've owned.

4) What's the standard stereo like? Sellers dont like when I crank it up so I've yet to really get a good idea on how nice it is!! Is it hard to put in an after market head unit and speakers? I've not looked at the dash or door trims at length to gauge how hard it would be. Is the premium sound really something I should go for over a car with standard stereo and me fitting a good ($800+) head unit and speakers??

5) Roughly what are servicing costs at Ford, can someone share rough prices with me?? Feel free to PM them to me if you dont want to advertise on a public forum. Is it easy (quick) to get spares for these cars from the dealer without too much trouble?

6) Lastly (if you're still reading, thanks!), I'm after one of those Carryboy canopies for the ute, mainly so I can put the dogs in there (with a window open for air!), or a heap of kitesurfing and surfing gear, and lock it all up out of the weather. Where is the best place to buy them? Should I simply hold out and find one 2nd hand? at $3800-4000 new, they seem a little pricey to me! Do they weigh alot?? Do people who have them have any gripes about them? I'd like to know before purchasing one.

Anyway, thanks for reading this far. Any help will be much appreciated. I am one of those people who can talk about cars (and road bikes, kitesurfing, etc) with enthusiastic owners for hours on end, so feel free to post here, PM me, etc if you'd like a yarn about these utes.



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  • Sucker
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wow :roflmbo:


1) You've listed the main ones. Like with everything you only hear about the problems; not many people boast about trouble free cars. All can be fixed with minimal fuss....with the exception of the diff. It can be a bit hit and miss.

2) Towing is a breeze. Your best option would be the auto, and they still have plenty of grunt and sit real well on the road with a bit more weight over the arse end. If you're doing a lot of towing then yes an aux cooler would be a good idea....just about anything that fits will do the job. Have a look at a few of the existing threads and you'll get a few ideas on mounting points.

3) Fuel economy is fairly close to what you've suggested if you're behaving yourself; but that's easier said than done. Those figures will be out the window when towing, but of course depends on stop-start driving, once you're on your way they cruise quite well.

The easiest way to mod is to reflash the ECU, but you can get a conservative tune that will more than likely get you better fuel economy as well.

4) In the BA utes it's fairly average, but the base-model stereo is much better in a smaller ute cabin compared to the sedan. In the newer model you can get the premium sound option which is much better if you can find one, otherwise you're up for installing another head unit in tandem with the existing ICC....but again have a look around this place for loads of inspiration in that regard.

5) Standard servicing is around the $180-$200 mark depending on how nice the dealer is. If you're getting one out of warranty you'd be better off going to an independent mechanic though

6) http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41916


need to have a lie-down after that!

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 13d
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my ba ute,dead stock on 98 octane fuel gets on average 11l/100klm on cruise control on the highway.

stop start driving is more like 13.5 o 14l/100klm

those fuel figures you quoted seem like an impossibility to me,im getting abot 550lkm to a tank at a cost of $100 and I think the tank must be 80l.

that gives an average of 14.5l/100klm,the dash can say what it wants but the bowser doesnt lie lol

Edited by etm
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  • Member For: 17y 4m 17d
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Hey Dave,

I've had my ute since November, and just love it. I don't have a moment driving it where I'm not enjoying myself.

Great post, and fair questions, I'll answer some as best as I know, other opinions may differ.

1) You got most of them.

2) Don't really have much to offer on this one... Too low to tow :P

3) Performance is great, as stated, I never have a dull moment in my T. The fuel, however, isn't as nice as redbook makes out. Everyday driving I get on average 16L/100km, but on the highway that drops down to 9L/100km, which I was really shocked by, but stoked. I removed my centre muffler the other day, and while I've noticed no increase/decrease in performance, it sounds loooooads better. Totally worth the $90.18 it cost. But definitely get an EDIT.

4) In the ute, the standard stereo isn't too different, particularly in the BA series. I have the premium sound and my mates got the standard. Not a mind blowing amount of difference. If I'd bought new, I'd be disappointed at the $800 investment.

5) My mate's a Ford mechanic, so I'm not sure on the normal costs. If it's out of warranty, I'd definitely be taking it to someone other than Ford though.

6) There's a few utes for sale with them already on.

Hope that helps a bit, good luck with the decision making!

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  • Member For: 17y 1m 3d
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hey mate, I got a ba 1 ute, if I were u id just check to see the towing capacity of the turbo, because I swear I saw somewhere it was 1600kg for the xr8, and 1200kg for the turbo, but I am prolly wrong. and yeh, just for interest sake, the fuel tank is 80 l on the ute

hope this helps!

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