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Why An Xr6t?


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I recently got a custom tune for $195

Damn that's cheap, where was that from?

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  • Member For: 17y 5m 23d
  • Location: Perth, WA
Damn that's cheap, where was that from?

hey mate,

It was from a company in Perth called BPT

In my case, because the car was 100% stock except for F6 intake and BMC panel filter, they use their own prepared generic tunes and then run it on the dyno for an hour or two to customise the generic tune to my car (called a custom-generic tune), saving them time preparing an entirely new tune, but spending eonugh time to make sure the car is safe and benefiting from the tune. Why re-invent the wheel each time?

I could have paid $395 for a complete custom tune where they start from scratch, but as the car was stock and they had a tried and tested generic tune there wasn't much point until I move into more significant mods. that's some good marketing to me and so far im very satisfied

I opted to pay the $600 for the snyper box as well but the tune itself only cost $195. I could have just walked out with the Snyper Box and generic tunes but I wanted to be sure the car was safe and gaining power

Sorry for the long-winded response

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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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  • Member For: 17y 8m 10d
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  • Location: Melbourne
I could have paid $395 for a complete custom tune

Damn that's Cheap! For a full custom. Why can't I live in perth :Welcome2FordXR6t:

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  • Member For: 17y 14d
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thanks to all. your guys rock! I just drove my parents xr6 and I find it a much more comfortable ride that my commy. much smoother. I really think I will go for the turbo. its just the stereo. argh so frustrating. good to hear I wont be a cop magnet anymore! I get so many dirty looks in my commodore. im an ambo too so im used to waving at cops and other ambos and fireys as I go past, so when I do it in my car they think im being a smart ass and I think they want to follow me home so they can give me a fine for whatever they can make up. cheers for all the help again. youve all been really helpful.

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