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Kiwanis All Ford Day In Geelong Vic


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Hi Guys,

THIS IS DEFINITELY ON - Sunday 17 February 2008

We have 10 spots confirmed with Kiwanas.

Deek is keen to do the Kiwanis All Ford Day on 17 Feb 2008 at Geelong. I have the forms already (thanks deek for passing on me number :laughing:) but want to know who would be interested in displaying their cars - a shine n show (you dont have to). Cost to get through the gate is $20 (paid on the day at the gate - but you need a piece of paper from me saying you are attending as part of the FordXR6Turbo forum) and you get to park your car in the designated FordXR6Turbo area too (so you'd be with your mates) and get a bag of goodies. There is a competition as well which costs extra to enter.

So here is the info for car clubs. Dont worry though about the entry forms - I have em already - you just need to let me know if you are coming cos parking spots are limited in the designated FordXR6Turbo parking area. So I would like to know who would be interested in participating asap as it is just around the corner. Really good opportunity to show off your pride and joy. You can just have your car on display or optionally you can actually enter it into several categories. Here are the categories for judging.

I reckon $20 to get past the gate per car (includes all passengers, parking spot in the FordXR6Turbo forum designated area and bag of goodies) is pretty good value considering general public admission is $15 per car.

So where and when?

Thanks to deek who is kindly offering us the loan of a marque, table, chairs, etc. I seriously need someone with a ute now to come along cos I can't carry the stuff in my sedan. So have reserved the 10th spot for someone with a ute. C'mon guys - when are you ever gonna get a chance like this to see so much :msm: (well for another 364 days anyway :laughing:) This should be a beauty cos they never ran the 2007 one.

Gonna be a lotta cool cars there - and all Fords :spoton: Here's the site map courtesy of Dagabond http://www.allfordday.org/_Documents/Site%20Plan.pdf

Meet Point - 7am departure from KFC / Shell just before the West Gate Bridge on the West Gate Freeway outward bound. We shall cruise down there together :verysad: (Melways Map 56 H1)



1. EvilDaifu

2. sh*tbmxrider

3. t6xr

4. Mr Turbo


6. TURBOBF (thanks mate for helpin out with your ute too :spoton:)

7. deek

8. XLNT6


10. Wingnut

Just to let you know, they prefer people to leave their cars in the club car parking area until at least 3pm on the day - so just letting you know up front what they prefer. Doesn't mean you can't leave early - just that there will be 900 cars there and associated spectators so will make it hard to move your car at certain times.

By the way, usual forum cruise rules apply. The are simply:

1. Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines (no matter how safe you think it may be), etc...Any breaches will be reported to the local police.

2. There is a designated cruise leader who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members. There is also a designated cruise anchor that will stay at the back of the cruise. You must not overtake the cruise leader, or fall behind the anchor. If you have to stop or drop back for what ever reason, the anchor will stay back with you.

3. Use the Buddy system; always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn to make sure nobody gets lost.

4. CB Radios; if you don’t have one, follow the maps, and directions given out. If you do have one, please limit chatter during the twisty parts of the cruise. This will allow the cruise leader to relay information about road conditions, upcoming obstacles, etc. efficiently.

5. By attending this cruise/event you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, it’s Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Organisers/Cruise Controllers, or Owner responsible/liable for any damage and/or grief sustained (simply; if you stuff up it is your fault, not ours).

As all 10 club parking spots are now taken, dont let that stop you from posting up interest. People may pull out at the last minute. Nothing stopping you from parking in the general car parking area :spoton:

How to get there :stirthepot:


Pics and vid start here :spoton:

Edited by EvilDaifu
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I'll be there!! But I'll be there with the Fordmods.com guys, we've got 40+ cars coming. Last time this ran (in 2006) it was pretty good, pretty much any ford that was made was there!! Oh and the night out befor the AFD was interesting.

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  • Cruise Whore
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10 spots confirmed reserved - just need to fill em now. C'mon guys - great value and a chance to enter your car for a prize if you fancy. But great purving never the less :spit:

So, lets see some interest posted up!

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  • Cruise Whore
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so c'mon guys - need some more to come along :roflmbo:

gonna be some celeb Ford V8 SuperCar racers there for autographs - Mark Winterbottom, Steven Richards and others.

heaps of things to see and do - is all Ford

long range weather forecast pretty good

need to fill 5 more spots for the forum

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There you go Gary a ute from the right side of town!

Don't forget to put my name on the list.


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