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Cooler Comparison


Poll Added 2/3/08  

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Can Simon, Kev, Chris and Alex please let me know (either by PM or post here) which weekends between March 1/2 and May 3/4 are do-able for them and I will update the grid I've created. When we have a line of 'greens', we can lock this baby in. How does that sound?

Mods I have temporarily put this grid off site. Is there a way to insert tables into posts or host this here?

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Fairnuf. But for the sake of helping this thing go ahead, can we not host the file on www.fordxr6turbo.com or somewhere approved? Cmon! Surely the fact that this thing looks like finally going ahead warrants some sort of special attention? After all, it's for the benefit of members, sponsors and the forum. There is nothing in it for me except for the satisfaction that I did all I could to get this thing going. I've purchased my IC and it will see me to the 500rwhp I want.

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Quote from Nizpro Feb 5th:

Nizpro and myself are unavailable for the next two weekends, from that point I am still happy to proceed with any testing that has been described in previous posts or similar to the ones I posted on the Nizpro forum for the testing of our intercooler, I still offer and would insist that the other manufactures being present during the testing. Although I have already tested and have results for most of the other companies intercoolers that have showed interest in being involved and have a very good idea of the final out come, I do not believe it is fair to release any of these results without the companies involved being present during testing. With this in mind I would still be very keen to do an intercooler back to back test for all to see.

Simon has already stated he is interesting in it going ahead.

As Nizpro are not organising the weekend, whoever is needs to set some dates.

Nizpro are not available from March 24th to April 10th.

Most of June is also out.

It appears Rapid, Process West and Nizpro are ready to go ahead. We next need confirmation from Plazmaman and dates need to be set.

So the person that is arranging it, needs to step up and make it happen.

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Ok guys, I'm pencilling in the weekend of April 12/13. Nizpro have stated they can do that date. Kevin, Chris and Alex is that weekend ok for you guys?

Trish, is Nizpro ok with a sausage sizzle type thing for the "event"? Can I contact you by phone to discuss? PM me with your number and when is best to call and we'll organise it.

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Hey I just spoke to Trish and all is good except for one minor detail. We need a car! To quote Simon a few posts back:

"I would like to see injectors, Valve springs, perferable a good exhaust system, better than factory and possibly waste gate /actuator mods. 15 psi boost is a reasonable level and what most guys would like to run. As I mentioned before we need a car that makes very very consistant numbers run after run, not one on the raged edge. Power levels are secondary remember we are testing the cooler not power output."

As far as spectators go, we will have room for 10. Trish and I reckon $200 should cover food and drink for us all I think it's fair that the 10 spectators each put in $20. Cool with y'all?. The lists of spectators so far (from previous posts) is:



Kimberley Scott




4 spots left guys, who's in for $20 each? If you guys already on the list can't make it please let us know as soon as possible. I will keep a lists of 4 or 5 reserves.

And guys, put out your feelers for a donor car... This must go ahead!

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