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Summernats Security Guard Bashing.


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I'll take a flame here as I know some people here work in the security industry, but in that instance and many others I have either

experienced directly or personally witnessed ,the yellow vest sums it up perfectly.

Amphetamines , roids,lack of people skills and pack mentality will usually ( not always) end up with patrons being over managed.

Big attitude, but where's me balls gone bru'. Sweeping generalisation I know , but I have seen it enough to know that " monkey"( ie monkey say monkey do) type behaviour is more common than not.

Brawn does not give you brains, nor does it always give you control.Some of these boofheads have proven this over and again, many being on the end of nasty role reversals that they weren't expecting.

Tough job at times for sure,but is the only way to manage a single recalcitrant patron swarm swarm swarm. at least 6 on 1 usually.

Gives a new meaning to yellow peril IMO .

I know there are two sides to every story . I just have seen it tooooo many times and kick a man when he's down , well I won't even go there.

My brothers best mate is a fairly senior Copper and I was discussing this with him over Xmas and he supports my observations, however from a policing point of view it is a different perspective again

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the guy with the sunglasses should be charged.

the big bloke should show some restraint given the situation.

you only have to look at the david hooks case to see why.

Granted, some people with an amount of authority will abuse that authority, you assume to know what that situation actually involved. While what you say sounds reasonable given what we've just seen, we certainly didn't get the whole picture.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that while I was professional musician for 6 years working the pubs of Melbourne 4 or 5 nights a week, I saw a lot of incidents. Sure there was the stereo typical bouncer but on the other hand, if you ask for trouble you usually get it.

Edited by straughsberry
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judging from the video, those bouncers are f*cking coward scum !!!! the guy turns and walks away after the 1st punch but they still keep hitting and kicking him while on the ground.. definitely uncalled for and those bouncers should be charged with assault.

I dont get why his mates didnt help him either - anytime any of that unfair sh*t has happened to me or any of my mates we've all stepped in and pulled up better in the majority of cases..

maybe he ate that fat f*cks last donut??

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Many security guards ive come across, but not all (usually at nightclubs, etc) over handle people. Only a couple of weeks ago I was at a local nightclub getting smashed with some mates and two chicks started pashing eachother! 5 seconds later a bouncer came up smashed their heads together and took them out by the neck. Who gives a sh*t if they were kissing, we certainly didnt...and to be thrown out by the neck isnt good on their bouncers half either.

Another time I was in the city with some mates and a fight broke out between one of my mates and some dude who was drunk, he threw a bottle at my mates head. I had a couple of drinks and thought instead of fighting, id thought id break it up, really couldnt be bothered with it, so I pulled my mate away by getting in the middle, and just as I got him away a bouncer came from behind and put me in a headlock and threw me into a chair. wtf. Needless to say I cracked the sh*ts, finally got him off me, and me and some mates laid into him instead. He made the situation worse than it already was, no need to handle ppl in such a way unless they are absolutely out of control or looking to kill people.

Its not a generalisation about bouncers, there are some good bouncers going around and its people such as this who give them a bad name.

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The security industry ( in Vic anyway ) recognises its short comings and is trying to move to a form of licensing for manpower as it has done for people in advisory ( like myself ) or installtion roles.

As there is no real compliance level that employers or employees need to meet, virtually anyone can become a security guard.

As such, you have to expect some people will not be the right charachter to perform these roles.

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Guest Wingnut
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This is very disturbing. Having run a couple of small nightclubs I know what a gaurd can and can't do in terms of managing a difficult patron and this incident is over the top. They really should be charged with assault, I dont care what he might have said or done they used exessive force on 1 guy that was maybe 1/3 of their body weight. It was a straight out bashing nothing less.

Very sad and makes you think twice about attending events like this.

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