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1 Maroone Honda Accord (Who would have suspected that)

I'll ad to this I have seen this particular car doing pursuit duties on the M1

The M1 is just not worth speeding on littered with mobile van locations and quick pursuit locations.

What I see now is they stop on the on ramp (on the freeway side) and one stays in the car while the other walks through the bushes down to the freeway the catch prey.

I don't have a problem with this because they ar catching the problem speeders that usually fly under the radar.

When are they going to stop worrying about hooning and fix dodgy cars on the road etc and crime?

When (and it will never happen) the media have nothing to report about hoons.

every second day a p plater or performance car owner has come to grief some times with dire consiquences. until these events fail to happen police will still target hooning and all things related.

I have another car that I don't drive on the M1 on a saturday night at all mainly because I get pulled over 100% of the time, I am doing nothing wrong and its the first thing they say to me they just want to have a look. and then let me go. some are car enthusiats too.

I used to religeously frequent the BWCP every saturday night all the way back to the late 90's when the spit was the place to go.

15 years on I have no real disire to go out on a saturday night to the local hangouts etc

Probably this is due to me getting older and wiser but I look back and think of places like the spit with 250 or so cars in a big circle and one in the middle doing burnouts back then the police were on to it then but 15 years on it still happens but worse as some one posted the BWCP article.

Nothing has changed because they have not addressed the problem!

I take my other car to a race track and I use it in a maner that would see me in alot of trouble on the street.

The point I make here is the drive home at the end ofthe day seems slow BUT I don't feel the need to even exceed the limit by 5km's an hour!

I've physically exhausted myself driving my car, if this experience was avalible to the average joe then there would be less trouble on the street as they would be content looking forward to the next time!

But why do they not install motorsport complexes? because then they are seen to be fostoring hooning!

Taking peoples cars away is all well and good

Whats going to happen to someone looking at strike three are they going to gently hand the keys over? no they will run, what happens after that the comunity will have to live with!

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Why don't they enforce the speed limits for those useless idiots that cant drive at the posted speed limit like doing 80 in a 100 zone.

Should be same fine for these idiots.

Doing 80 in a 100 zone is not illegal. Read the road rules again some time. :)

What I see now is they stop on the on ramp (on the freeway side) and one stays in the car while the other walks through the bushes down to the freeway the catch prey.

I'm surprised that it's taken them this long to work that trick out. It's common practice where I'm from to see cops on an onramp keeping an eye out for the fast movers. Still to this day I'm always checking the onramps in my mirrors (not only for merging traffic but for cops as well).

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On 3 separate occasions an elderly person has drove through the Heathmonth shop windows in the last 18 months. How often do P platers mistake the go for the whoa peddle?

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Doing 80 in a 100 zone is not illegal. Read the road rules again some time. :)

Are you sure on that as a relative had received one approximately 10-15 years ago.

They received it on the then called F3 coming from Brisbane, was shown the ticket at time.

Maybe it was a trail offence and it has been removed?.

They should bring it back if it is currently not a road rule, may save alot of multi car pile ups on the freeways from happening.

So what are the figures for road fatatilities caused by



On drugs



All of the above


None of the above

I bet the count for speeding would be less than all other related fatatilities.

With the Drunk speeding driver being the most common.

Followed by the drug F*cked speeding driver.

Have you ever heard of a repeat DD getting there car taken off them.

Hell you can keep doing all your life as long as you pay the fines.

No worries here of losing your car, just some money and your licence which they will continue to drive without anyway. I suppose when you look at it there is a lot of revenue in it as when they catch them driving without a licence there fine is pretty decent.

Hell a woman here in brisbane recently ran into someones car drove off from the scene and was pulled up later with a extremely high blood alchole level reading that was so bad it made the news.

She gets a fine, doesn't have her car taken from her.

Next week she will probably crash into a sweet looking F6 doing 60.1 kph in a 60 zone and the guy will have his car taken from him for speeding and she will get a that's ok, its ok as the more of these hoons off the road the better, here have some more booze money.

I know I wont hand my car over to them for giving my tyre's a turn in anger leaving a set of lights as I will do all possible to not permit them from taking it I have a very good plan that will stop them from taking my car and sorry I can't explain as they may change the law if to many know.

They want us off the street how about bringing back Operation Drag on a weekly basis.

Set it up in say a industrial estate or out the back of it, it happens a lot in those places anyway.

Shouldn't be much of a problem if cars are to stay within a road worthy state & meeting noise restrictions.

Don't want to travel to Willowbank and have to pay for racing licence's and insurances to be able to have 3 to 4 runs down a strip once a month or longer.

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Are you sure on .....

..... strip once a month or longer.


You've covered about thirteen topics all in one post....yet none of them relate to this thread :spoton:

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wh is there only a hoon dob in line?

what about grandma driving around without indicating and rolling through stop signs?

why can't I dob her in?

However frustrating the elderly are on our roads, they do only account for a small percenatge of serious injury and fatal colliisons. There age group is quite disproportionate to that of our more youthful drivers.

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