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So you are all saying that now you know that these cars are out there, you wont even think twice about draging the bloke beside you on a public road?

If you do think twice then this approach is working.

Lets face it, you get fined when you are caught breaking the law. No matter how stupid you think it is.... its law.

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Yep !! Years


Wow Shady XR, where di you find this pic, do you know anything about it? The NSW Police force had a lot of XU-1's in the early 70's including many of the 73 Bathurst specials, but there are very few pics around, let alone ones of that quality

Cheers Mondie

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I noticed the bit where it said some cars will have P plates on them. How does that work when P platers are banned from driving turbos and V8's. You should know its a cop straight away if you see a P Plate on a WRX, SS , XRT/8 or F6.

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  • Drift Queen
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Yer I agree with u, and isnt it illegal to drive with P plates up if your not a p plater, god dam it I got a $200 fine cos I had p's up an I wasnt a p plater. grrrrrrrrrrr freakkkkkkkiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn cops think they can do wat they want... hmm ok maybe they can lol

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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The main aim of coppers should be to show presence of the law and decrease the amount of speeding that occurs. Instead these clowns purely go around revenue raising and driving nice cars in the mean time.


If you read the article properly you will see that there aim is to target serious trafiic offenders involved in street/drag racing. This cannot be dealt with by handing out fines. These clowns get locked up, in the same way ppl do for stealing cars. They dont hand out fines for that either.


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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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I don't have a problem with them catching those who are obviously putting other lives at stake. What I don't understand and this is what they are hunting are the poor blokes that have a momtary lapse of concentration and the techo goes over 10ks in a 60 zone.

I am sure everybody on this forum has looked doen at the speedometer an noticed that they were doing 10-30ks over the speed limit. Not intentionally or not for any reason but purely because their eyes are on the road and not their dash.

Unless you set your speed alert on each new speed zone there is no way to counteract this.

My idea which I have had for years now is that all new cars are fitted with a device that picks up the speed zone (Which is transmitted from Speed Limit Signs - solor powered of course). The Device then alerts you when you go 5 kph above this limit.

This way people know when they are speeding and drivers eyes are where they should be... on the road (or footpath if theres a hot chick there). This is the only fair solution I could think of. Surely the government has earnt enough money from fines to invest in a system like this.


Sorry to bag you out again, but I think your beef is with the state governement and in particular the RTA (roads and Tolls authority). Old urban myth getting done for 10K's over here in NSW unless it was a fixed speed camera or it was pissing down and your in a school zone.

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  • Sucker
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I don't think he is bagging the police force.

Pretty sure most people understand they don't make the policies....they are just the poor bastards there to enforce it.

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  • loitering with intent
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If you read the article properly you will see that there aim is to target serious trafiic offenders involved in street/drag racing. This cannot be dealt with by handing out fines. These clowns get locked up, in the same way ppl do for stealing cars. They dont hand out fines for that either.


Slightly off topic , but fines are now handed down for B&E , selling stolen property etc.

Yet if you brain an intruder ( properly) fair bet you'll do time. Go the crims

Farking govt in NSW :nutkick:

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Just let you all know what unmarked vehicles I have seen these revenue raising public servants in as of late here in Logan City QLD.

1 White S VY

1 White XR6

1 Maroone Toyota Camry

1 Maroone Honda Accord (Who would have suspected that)

1 Blue VE SS

1 Bronze orange VE SS

My Brother has told me he has seen a XR5 and some vehicles that are even using personalised plates.

Some years ago I had this guy in a car trying to edge me on buy sitting on my rear nailing it and backing off.

What I could see was a car that had been done up in such a ridiculess maner, white ef /el with white head light protectors and crap hanging off it everywhere.

You had to see it.

I kept my cool as I thought it was to suss and sure enough he lost interest and powered past.

Yep I was right, it was a try hard cop.

Arnt speed limits based on worst case senario's

eg 80 year old granny driving a prime mover with bald tyre's, brakes that work at half there safe level, with heavy rain.

Now if they are safe to do 100 in a 100 zone why is it such a bad thing to do say 130 in a 100 zone in a say Typhoon fitted out with brembo's and stability & Traction control and not to mention the handling dynamics of a performnance car.

Or even turn your tyre's taking off from the lights doing 10 kph.

Why don't they enforce the speed limits for those useless idiots that cant drive at the posted speed limit like doing 80 in a 100 zone.

Should be same fine for these idiots.

Concidering how many times I have nearly had a accident because of them.

These are usually the people that can't even enter a highway, they stop because they can't perform a merge.

And if the Government really cared about road safty, don't you think a compulsary Driver Ed program through senior schooling would be a worth while program as other countries do.

They are always quick to blame the hoons but what about the majority of fatal accidents over this christmas break was any hoon related.

I recall seeing numerous news reports of accidents and not one was related to a person hooning.

My Mother inlaw and her Boyfriend where involved in a Head on accident which was cause by him as he is one of these people that take a hour to get to the speed limit and he at the time of this accident was indecisive when turning through a intersection.

Lucky that all they suffered was a head cut from the steering wheel and the mother inlaw a bruised chest. Not to sure how the other occupants of the other car have faired as yet but both cars where complete write offs.

While the mother inlaw was in the hospital she kept insisting for me to drive her home as she would not trust anyone else.

Strange as she knows very well how I drive and had always said how safe a driver her partner is.

They stereotype us all as hoons because of the few uneducated young drivers that dont understand the danger of some of there actions.

Its just REVENUE plain and simple.

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