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Intercooler Install (no Tune) ?


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Hey all,

Ive just purchased a new intercooler, plenum and piping for my F6.

from Plazmaman 800hp full kit.

Im wondering if it is possible and safe to put it all on with out tuning my car?

yes the gains will not be anyware as good as if I tuned it I understand that. I am more concerned about if it is safe to do so.

Cheers Tristan

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Cerntainly wont be safe to drive the car around and I wouldnt be giving it a bootful with the new gear put on.

imo I would just chuck on all the gear and just wait till the car ready to be custom tune.

better to be safe then sorry dude.

good luck with all the new stuff and should see some nice gains out of it =D


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Cheers Rob,

Ive been told so many things some say it is safe and some not, Alex from plazmaman had said to me that it would be safe and that he had on on his xr6t with no troubles. But now im hoping he understood my question.. anywho

I do have a flash box sitting here but I just wanted to avoid tuning it for as long as possible as well it hasn't evan got 5000km on it yet. and as soon as it tis tuned bye bye warranty.


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As soon as it tuned? As soon as it's fitted you mean!

Hey it would be great if you could post a review after you fit and tune as I'm sure like me, there are quite a few of us interested in that setup. I'm planning to get the 800 IC, plenum and maybe piping too(night go custom) in the next couple of months. When I do, I'll definitely post results.

As always, plazmaman products look awesome, by far the neatest finished I've seen...

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I wouldnt take any chances with all the gear you've got... If you were changing just the cooler to say a wog cooler and stock piping I'd say go for it, but you're removing all the restrictions, so overboost city here you come... I'd hate for your near new F6 blowing something

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I wouldnt take any chances with all the gear you've got... If you were changing just the cooler to say a wog cooler and stock piping I'd say go for it, but you're removing all the restrictions, so overboost city here you come... I'd hate for your near new F6 blowing something

not sure bout the plenum but I purchased the PW stage 2 cooler kit + CAI n have fitted it on without a tune. (still running stock factory tune)

nizpro did the installation knowing that id be only runing stock tune n they said it was fine.

have been running it this way for a while now without any problems. I will be tuning it once my flash box arrives though !!!!

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One of our test vehicles runs this full kit with a std exhaust . This std exhaust system does not allow the car to boost over 6-7 psi . Although it breathes better , the std exhaust is a restriction. As long as it does not hit boost cut , there is no problem with our vehicle . We checked the mixtures as well , although they were safe , they can be cleaned up a bit through out the rev range , and timing added to take full advantage of the Plazmaman system . But........

We highly recommend that you tune your vehicle to suit the new kit . This will allow for maximum gains and safety . This will be the only thing that will make you confident to give it a boot full . We being a manufacturer , test all our kits in every situation and setup type , so as to gain data and further develop our product .

A tune will clean up the bottom end drivabiltiy and top end power output . It is safe to drive to and from a tune shop.

Edited by plazmaman
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... I'd hate for your near new F6 blowing something

hmm me too...

Ok so it looks like I will be putting it off to install the kit when I get injectors and a fuel pump. no point in putting it on and then having to get it re tunned later.

Cheers tristan

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One of our test vehicles runs this full kit with a std exhaust . This std exhaust system does not allow the car to boost over 6-7 psi . Although it breathes better , the std exhaust is a restriction. As long as it does not hit boost cut , there is no problem with our vehicle . We checked the mixtures as well , although they were safe , they can be cleaned up a bit through out the rev range , and timing added to take full advantage of the Plazmaman system . But........

We highly recommend that you tune your vehicle to suit the new kit . This will allow for maximum gains and safety . This will be the only thing that will make you confident to give it a boot full . We being a manufacturer , test all our kits in every situation and setup type , so as to gain data and further develop our product .

A tune will clean up the bottom end drivabiltiy and top end power output . It is safe to drive to and from a tune shop.

Cheers Alex

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I chatted to herrod before fitting mine and they said that some will run and a so

won't. Mine ran ok! lag becomes a problem though.

It won't cause pinging to happen so don't worry too much!!!


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