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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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I feel some of these posts are bordering on unacceptable. Lets keep to the facts (or fiction) and not get too personal here. Nothing wrong with disagreeing but lets not go too far.

Play nice please :D

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Play nice please :D

Yes, l agree wholeheartedly Richdave.

l have been involved in the past with several active forums that become very unfriendly places because the discussions became personal instead of topical. As a result fiery arguments, counter arguments and general slanging occured to the point where many people just left the forum, and for those who remained, the 'feel' of the place was never the same.

l would hate to see that happen here. :(

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  • The Noble Leader
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Well we do have the ability to ban :) .. but im sure these boys can just keep the facts and not take it out personally on people...

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Guest driftin
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driftin it goes to show how mush u know as well it seems that u dont even now the basics of suck ,squeeze , bang ,boom if u look at the side of your garrett turbo it is a 0.5 compressor do u know what that means and what it is good for ? I ran a 10 sec big block if I dont know what im saying then u must be onur roller skates still The day run a 10s car u call me have ever dealt with ems and other products and tuned a car with that type of processor .holley annhillator now makes an ignition systion where u can physically retard and advanc e your timing on each cylinder u can achieve the best curve depending on what type of fuel u run on your bike son do a bit more research b4 u go off talking

If 10 second big blocks is what you know about, then tell people about those then.

Just don't go making up stuff about technology and products you know nothing about. This place is already full of nonsense rumours and backyard experts.

Your posts reek of a 16-year old who reads something on the Internet, misinterprets it, and then spreads it on other message boards to show how much you know. You're writing about a turbo being a 0.5 compressor. Eh? What? You're obviously talking about the compressor housing/wheel, but you don't know what that is. Are you talking about the housing A/R or the wheel trim "being 0.5"?

I'm not interested in an argument, but I would suggest everyone take this guys posts with a grain of salt, they are full of misinformation. If you posted garbage like this on a board like Performance Forums, you'd be shot down pretty quickly.


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  • The Noble Leader
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Come on Mate.. Keep It Cool. People may not have the knowledge you do. So try and help instead of putting down people. Performance Forums is for people who are knowledgable on the whole "Performance" scene. Unfortunately like me I dont know much about cars. So this is all a learning experience for me too.

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Not everyone has the experience that sound's like you have, rather than starting a bun fight on the net that as we all know (and you'd know if you frequent PF) ends up going nowhere why not explain to the person that they've been misinformed. Attacking somebody the way you have in the last few post's is leading no where and making you look more of a dill than PSI40L.(no offence intended).

Dont drag this forum to the gutter like so many other's have been it just end's up being a pathetic waste of space, as you can see this thread's gone to the dog's already let's hope it's a one off incident. There's always PM's if you want to get personal rather than have everyone else having to read your problems with that person.

Personaly i'm on a major learning curve with the purchase of a Turbo and i want to get as much info as possible, if somebody post's something i listen to what they have to say but dont take it as gospel until i know it's fact and has come from a reputable source.

What got me on the soapbox?:

This place is already full of nonsense rumours and backyard experts.

In my eyes you are just as much a 'backyard expert' as anyone else here im afraid, till you prove otherwise.

Please tell dont take offence as i said i'm here to learn and you may be one of the ones to teach us.

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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...This place is already full of nonsense rumours and backyard experts....

Dagabond and CJF077 are spot on.....

We all want to learn and have some fun here. I encourage both driftin and PSI40L (and anyone else for that matter) to please teach us what you know and support your view with FACTS. Otherwise it's just opinion and we all have one of those.... we may not be "right" and not everyone will agree...but hey that's OK :D

If something posted is not factual feel free to enlighten us all.

So PLEASE play nice and lets avoid a public argument that all members have to suffer through :(

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Guest driftin
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I agree and will cease to post in this thread.

I certainly understand there are a lot of people that buy cars and don'tknow or indeed don't want to know anything technical about them, and then there are people who do and want to learn. I certainly respect that,

and many of the people on here fall into that category. That is great, and that's how everyone starts. When someone asks a technical question, and people share, its very helpful. This is not the category PSI-40L falls into.

I'm sure people here would agree with that.


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