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How To Get Back At Your Enemies

Kimberley Scott

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  • Location: NOONAMAH, go figure.....
:omg: and here I was thinking you were a kind and gentle person fourfan



Waddaya mean?

I didn't post up any of the really nasty stuff.

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ok, so which step-aunty spanked you too hard in a past life bionic???

you're one tapped mutha f*cker!!


But guys...Im just warming up........so heres another one.....

One quick and dirty trick. You can get some powdered milk from the store, its not dear in bulk, Keep it for a few months. Perfectly fine to store for long periods of time. Once you have the time and gumption to go and do something this is a good one to do.

You will have to wait for rainy season or better yet just a brief night rainstorm. Here in Sydney that happens often in the summer time, which is a damn fine time to do it. What you will do is take a lot....I mean a lot of powdered milk and spread it all over the intended victims yard. You can not spread this thinly. You have to use a lot. I have done as thin as 1cm thickness spread on the lawn and in the Gardens. The rain will activate the dried milk and they are left with a white foamy mess in the front.

Here is the best part. Most will think it is an oddity and most times will not clean it off. Once the daytime comes around it will start to soak into the lawn and dry out. I bet you know what old hot milk smells like, dont ya? Well this is a rancid, putrid smell that will linger for approximately a week.

Works well.

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:omg: and here I was thinking you were a kind and gentle person fourfan



Waddaya mean?

I didn't post up any of the really nasty stuff.


I shudder to think

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I'm only 24... not an adult yet! haha.

Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!

I know of a couple a girls schools that got, a huge c*ck on their ovals...

some with the following captions... "just touch it" "Chicks love the c*ck"


was going to do it on a golf course with a FWD magna could get 4WD drift this was on private road and not gravel proper road surface so yea I reckon I could easily do a c*ck like shape on a oval in a car

but ya I thought it through and said to my self only degenerates would do such an evil and stupid thing

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This is one funny thread ... the poo in the margarine is the best so far. I had to call the missus over to read it we laughed hard for over 10 minutes.

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One we did for muck up day was obtain three cops and label them 1, 2 and 4 prior to letting them loose in the school. Teachers catch 1, 2 and 4 and spend the rest of the day looking for number 3.

Gladwrap on the toilet seat in conjunction with laxatives and removing the toilet lightbulb and replacing the toilet paper with sand paper is amusing too.

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