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How To Get Back At Your Enemies

Kimberley Scott

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Oh, and heres another little gem....but I cant take credit for this one.....

I went to the petstore and purchased 6 mice. 3 Female and 3 male. I kept them for a 6 months. Feed them, made sure they would breed. Got a few litters out of them. A few more weeks go by and those little darlings are now breeding and makin more babies. A total of 6 months goes by and I had 297 mice which were all breeding. I knew when the family was going out on vacation for 3 weeks to some cruise. I released all the mice into their house through the mailslot they had in the door. When they came back their entire house was infested. A good friend that was still friends with the idiots had told me that the mice ate up most of the furniture, wood work, all the food in the pantry and just about everything around. He also said the place was covered with droppings and was the most disgusting thing he has ever smelt.

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Outside of my work for many years there was a Volvo 240(?) that would ALWAYS take up 2 spots, we asked face to face, we left notes asking him not to do this etc etc. Never got the message. We moved car across the street, we turned it around, One day we moved it into the next street!

NEVER got the idea to park properly.

In the end we lacked the car up and used sikaflex on all 4 tyres (more or les a full tube per tyre). It happened to be a high 30's deg day so it set quickly. Said idiot comes back to car and it REFUSES to move. ends up getting it moved by a tow truck.

After all this it left 4 holes in the bitumen where we placed the sikaflex. Haven't seen him since.

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Another one is, everyone should know about the sugar trick,

Who knows about the bleach trick. Pour half a bottle into the engine oil. Engine nearly melts it gets that hot for some reason. Don't know why. Saw this on Mythbusters.

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Oh, and heres another little gem....but I cant take credit for this one.....

I went to the petstore and purchased 6 mice. 3 Female and 3 male. I kept them for a 6 months. Feed them, made sure they would breed. Got a few litters out of them. A few more weeks go by and those little darlings are now breeding and makin more babies. A total of 6 months goes by and I had 297 mice which were all breeding. I knew when the family was going out on vacation for 3 weeks to some cruise. I released all the mice into their house through the mailslot they had in the door. When they came back their entire house was infested. A good friend that was still friends with the idiots had told me that the mice ate up most of the furniture, wood work, all the food in the pantry and just about everything around. He also said the place was covered with droppings and was the most disgusting thing he has ever smelt.

that's terrible, one mouse can cause a mess, I dont even want to think about 297

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You guys are giving me great ideas for the guy that reversed into my 1997 Fairmont a few years back with his ute.

Every time we go to the inlaws you can see him standing in the window looking at us if he is home as I told him I would get him back as the cops couldn't prove he did it.

SO expanda foam up the exhaust over xmas might be a great idea after all.

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The mining industry opens all sort of doors for this kind of thing...

I've personally seen:

Liqui-pol in shampoo bottles, makes water go slimy and takes FOREVER to rinse out

stench gas in a house (we stunk out an entire town with this stuff once....)

those luminous chemical tubes cut open and splattered above someones bed.

A can of shaving cream frozen, opened then put in someone's window

Squid stuffed in A/C vents,

Prawns shoved up the handset of a two way mic

coffee put in the sweat-band of the hard hat, they sweat, big brown stains run down their face...

live and dead mice put in jacket pockets, desk draws, gum-boots ect..

live and dead snakes put in jacket pockets, desk draws, gum-boots ect..

electric fence unit hooked up to core-trays, cars, urinals, ..ect

Toenails in rollie tobacco

various sharpened objects paced on or inserted into chair foam

Horse hair threaded into a ciggie,

match-heads put into ciggies

Someones hard-hat urinated in every night for 4 months

A w@nker's akubra put into a drill-sump (bye bye Mr hat)

only to have the sump pumped out 6 months later...(hello Mr hat)

Grass seeds in shag-pile carpet, and a light water...Alfala seed would have been better, faster growing.

A saline drip-bag set up so when someone sits on the drivers seat, it squirts him in the ear.

windscreen washer jet relocated to inside cab, aimed a drivers face

Small wire from Ign coil run to lower seat squab. (didn't see if this worked, left site next day)

A+B foam (expanding foam) bombs made and placed in cars, houses ect

um...and lots more I've forgotten....

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ok, so which step-aunty spanked you too hard in a past life bionic???

you're one tapped mutha f*cker!!


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