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NSW Spotted Thread


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  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 18y 2m 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Macksville NSW.

A silver BA GT southbound on Princes Hwy Blakehurst this afternoon with personalised plate "ROB" .....

Orange and yellow stripes???? to each their own I guess..... :blush:

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 1m 25d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Sydney 's Northern Beaches

Parked outside the Fish & Chips shop at Dee Why beach around 12:30pm a red Ute T with plates "IT90ES".

Also yesterday morning around 8:15am in Kent Street Sydney a parked Phantom with QLD plate "113???" Is that you PC lapping up Sydneys great sunshine? :innocent:

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 9d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Wollongong

Senna that's now getting harder and harder to spot...

Ive seen a UC BF ute somewhere - might have been in brissy cant remember, but I had to look a few extra times there was no antennas sticking up, so hard to spot...


HELLS YEAH! I picked up a moto up in helendsburg the other day in the old mans ute, as I was coming back I saw this red VE SS do a you-turn and the only way I could tell it was an unmarked copper was all the sh*t mounted onto the front windscreen. I hooked into a servo to get a rockstar drink and he drove past.. 10 minutes later I drive past him on the same road and hes got the speedo out, he pulled out and followed me for another 15 minutes......... but whyyy?!!! is it like a scare tactic kind of saying im not welcome in that area?

also spotted like 4 xr6t's on the highway near wollongong uni on I think it was wednsday... 6 cars down I spotted a cadbury purple ve highway patrol car

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